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Quick Hits from Today's Markets

Quick Hits from Today's Markets

Market Overview Gold has reached an all-time high as tensions escalate in West Asia following an alleged assassination attempt on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. Iran's recent announcem

Recensione 2024-10-21 12:11
AUS GLOBAL Invited to Prince William’s Charity Gala Dinner, Opening a New Chapter in European Market

AUS GLOBAL Invited to Prince William’s Charity Gala Dinner, Opening a New Chapter in European Market

AUS GLOBAL is pleased to announce that the company‘s CEO, Ms. Naima Dayf, attended the charity dinner hosted by Prince William at the British Museum in London on October 16, 2024. The event gathered t

Notizia 2024-10-21 12:04
KVB Market Analysis | 21 Oct: Gold Hits Record Highs Amid US Election and Middle East Tensions

KVB Market Analysis | 21 Oct: Gold Hits Record Highs Amid US Election and Middle East Tensions

Product: XAU/USDPrediction: IncreaseFundamental Analysis:Gold prices continued to print record highs after breaching the $2,700 figure amid uncertainty surrounding the US election and tensions in the

Recensione 2024-10-21 11:06
GTC FX VIP Customer Seminar—In-Depth Analysis of Market Trends for Q4 2024

GTC FX VIP Customer Seminar—In-Depth Analysis of Market Trends for Q4 2024

Recently, GTC FX successfully held a VIP customer seminar in Dubai, focusing on the analysis and predictions of financial market trends for the last quarter of 2024. As a globally renowned foreign exc

Notizia 2024-10-18 19:22
 ** Elevating Global Standards with Swedish Excellence!**

** Elevating Global Standards with Swedish Excellence!**

Discover why is rapidly becoming a top recommendation in Sweden! Our platform is dedicated to fostering innovation and excellence, ensuring you gain the competitive edge you need in todays

Notizia 2024-10-18 14:42
Gold Surge to New High Amid Intensify Geopolitical Risk

Gold Surge to New High Amid Intensify Geopolitical Risk

Gold surged to an all-time high amid heightened tension in the Middle East. Strong U.S. economic indicators drive the U.S. dollar to its highest level in 10 weeks. ECB cuts interest rate by 25 bps, ha

Notizia 2024-10-18 14:00
The Daily Brief: Your Economic Rundown

The Daily Brief: Your Economic Rundown

Market OverviewNew West Asia ThreatThe Hamas Chief Yahya Sinwar has been eliminated. There was some debate on whether they had succeeded, but it was confirmed after the DNA results matched. Celebratio

Recensione 2024-10-18 11:36
Today's Top Headlines

Today's Top Headlines

Market Overview New West Asia Threat The Hamas Chief Yahya Sinwar has been eliminated. There was some debate on whether they had succeeded, but it was confirmed after the DNA res

Recensione 2024-10-18 11:35
KVB Market Analysis | 18 Oct: Gold Prices Surge Amid U.S. Election and Middle East Uncertainty

KVB Market Analysis | 18 Oct: Gold Prices Surge Amid U.S. Election and Middle East Uncertainty

Product: XAU/USDPrediction: DecreaseFundamental Analysis:Due to uncertainty around the U.S. presidential election and the war in the Middle East, investors are seeking safe-haven assets, pushing gold

Recensione 2024-10-18 10:46
All Eyes on Canada Central Bank Next Week!

All Eyes on Canada Central Bank Next Week!

The Week Ahead: Week of 21 October (GMT+2)All Eyes on Canada Central Bank Next Week!Wednesday, 23 October 2024, 15.45BoC Interest Rate DecisionThe latest Bank of Canada interest rate decision saw a 25

Notizia 2024-10-18 10:37
Analysis of today's market

Analysis of today's market

Gold price hit a record high during the North American session on Thursday, yet it failed to hit $2,700 amid uncertainty around US elections. Data-wise, the US economy remains resilient following Reta

Notizia 2024-10-18 09:18
Zero Spread Forex Brokers: Are They Worth It for Day Traders?

Zero Spread Forex Brokers: Are They Worth It for Day Traders?

Benefits of zero spread forex broker for Day investorsPrice performance: Day investors depend upon common, small charge actions, or even tiny spreads can upload up over more than one trades. With zero

Recensione 2024-10-17 22:21
AssetsFX Celebrates Successful Participation at Dubai Forex Expo 2024

AssetsFX Celebrates Successful Participation at Dubai Forex Expo 2024

Dubai, UAE – October 2024 – AssetsFX is thrilled to announce the successful conclusion of its participation in the Dubai Forex Expo 2024, held at the Dubai World Trade Center. The event proved to be a

Notizia 2024-10-17 18:44
FP Markets Team Attends Forex Expo Dubai 2024 And Brings Home Two Awards

FP Markets Team Attends Forex Expo Dubai 2024 And Brings Home Two Awards

FP Markets, a global multi-asset Forex and CFD broker, participated in the Forex Expo Dubai 2024 earlier this month. The largest trading event in the Middle East took place in Dubai, UAE, fr

Notizia 2024-10-17 17:48
【MACRO Alert】Political bets and market trends: Bitcoin and gold prices in anticipation of Trump's re

【MACRO Alert】Political bets and market trends: Bitcoin and gold prices in anticipation of Trump's re

Bitcoin has risen about 13% in the past seven days, far outperforming global stock indexes and gold. The rise is partly due to investors predicting that Republican candidate Trump, who supports cr

Notizia 2024-10-17 16:44
DBG Markets: Market Report for Oct 17, 2024

DBG Markets: Market Report for Oct 17, 2024

Market OverviewGOLD - Gold finds support at 2670.882 after the price broke above this level, hovering near its previous high. Data expected later this evening may push prices to new highs. Until then,

Recensione 2024-10-17 13:49
Dow Jones Set New High on Earnings Optimism

Dow Jones Set New High on Earnings Optimism

Dow Jones recorded a new high as the market is optimistic about the mega caps earnings performance. The U.S. dollar remains robust ahead of Initial Jobless Claims and Retail Sales readings. Gold rose

Notizia 2024-10-17 13:41
KVB Market Analysis | 17 Oct: XAU/USD Holds Steady at $2,675 Amid Geopolitical Tensions and Strong D

KVB Market Analysis | 17 Oct: XAU/USD Holds Steady at $2,675 Amid Geopolitical Tensions and Strong D

Product: XAU/USDPrediction: IncreaseFundamental Analysis:On Thursday, October 17, during the Asian trading session, spot gold remained strong after a big rise the day before, with the price hovering a

Recensione 2024-10-17 11:32
Today's Top Financial News

Today's Top Financial News

Market Overview The U.S. Might Cut Military Aid to Israel in the Next 30 Days The U.S. has given Israel an ultimatum: if humanitarian aid to Gaza does not flow within 30 days

Recensione 2024-10-17 11:14
What to Watch Today

What to Watch Today

Market OverviewMarket AnalysisGOLD - Gold finds support at 2670.882 after the price broke above this level, hovering near its previous high. Data expected later this evening may push prices to new hig

Recensione 2024-10-17 11:06

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