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Gold rose by more than 1%; a major FED indicator flashed red again?

Gold rose by more than 1%; a major FED indicator flashed red again?

Hot spot trackingThe number of initial jobless claims in the United States for the week ending October 19 was 227,000, the lowest since the week ending September 28, 2024.The volume of overnight rever

Recensione 2024-10-25 14:51
DBG Markets: Market Report for Oct 25, 2024

DBG Markets: Market Report for Oct 25, 2024

Market OverviewGOLD - GOLD has found support, rising after yesterdays trading. The price failed to break above 2740.844; however, the expectation of an increased conflict in West Asia will cause GOLD

Recensione 2024-10-25 13:48
BoJ Signal No Rate Hike Next Week

BoJ Signal No Rate Hike Next Week

The Japanese Yen is expected to weaken in the near term as BoJ hinted there was no intention of a rate hike next week. U.S. treasury yield slid, leading to a softening U.S. dollar and buoying Wall Str

Notizia 2024-10-25 13:35
Market Madness: Financial Stories of the Day

Market Madness: Financial Stories of the Day

Market AnalysisGOLD - GOLD has found support, rising after yesterdays trading. The price failed to break above 2740.844; however, the expectation of an increased conflict in West Asia will cause GOLD

Recensione 2024-10-25 11:38
Your Daily Dose of Financial News

Your Daily Dose of Financial News

Market AnalysisGOLD - GOLD has found support, rising after yesterdays trading. The price failed to break above 2740.844; however, the expectation of an increased conflict in West Asia will cause GOLD

Recensione 2024-10-25 11:36
Analysis of today's market

Analysis of today's market

Later on Thursday, gold prices rose as U.S. Treasury yields fell. Heightened tensions in the Middle East and the predicaments surrounding the U.S. elections underpinned gold. At the time of writing, g

Notizia 2024-10-25 09:25
AUS GLOBAL launches the “Lucky Card” activity to express gratitude to new and loyal customers on the

AUS GLOBAL launches the “Lucky Card” activity to express gratitude to new and loyal customers on the

October 31, 2024 is Halloween, in this festival full of mystery and surprise, in order to thank and give back our customers and partners for their trust and support in AUS GLOBAL , we sincerely hold t

Notizia 2024-10-24 20:01
Big benefits! AUS GLOBAL has prepared an exclusive surprise “Welcome Event” for new customers

Big benefits! AUS GLOBAL has prepared an exclusive surprise “Welcome Event” for new customers

Big benefits! AUS GLOBAL has prepared an exclusive surprise activity for new clients! Sign up and join us now to enjoy 10 times lucky draws! 100% chance of winning, with a chance to win up to $100,000

Notizia 2024-10-24 19:59
Will PCE and NFP Boost Chances of Slower Rate Cuts?

Will PCE and NFP Boost Chances of Slower Rate Cuts?

Wednesday, 30 October 2024, 14.15ADP Nonfarm Employment Change (Oct)The U.S. private payrolls increased more than expected in September, boosted by hiring in the construction, leisure and hospitality

Notizia 2024-10-24 17:23
DBG Markets: Market Report for Oct 24, 2024

DBG Markets: Market Report for Oct 24, 2024

Market OverviewGOLD - GOLD has found an all-time high before swiftly retracting to the swing low in a corrective manner during the NY session. We expect further buying as momentum continues; however,

Recensione 2024-10-24 14:27
【MACRO Insight】Gold boom and deficit concerns , dual signals from the financial market

【MACRO Insight】Gold boom and deficit concerns , dual signals from the financial market

The modern gold rush is gathering pace, with gold prices setting records almost weekly. Last week, spot gold soared above $2,700 an ounce for the first time, extending its gains this year to 31%. “I h

Recensione 2024-10-24 14:26
Heighten Geopolitical Tension Hit on Wall Street

Heighten Geopolitical Tension Hit on Wall Street

Wall Street weighed on the heightened geopolitical situation, with Nasdaq declining by 1.6% in the last session. Gold encountered profit-taking sentiment and slid nearly 1% yesterday. USD/JPY is tradi

Notizia 2024-10-24 14:18
What is the Russell 2000 and How to Invest in It?

What is the Russell 2000 and How to Invest in It?

The Russell 2000 is a U.S. index that tracks the performance of 2,000 companies with the smallest market capitalizations in the Russell 3000, serving as an indicator to estimate the state of the U.S.

Notizia 2024-10-24 11:49
Today's Top News

Today's Top News

Market Analysis GOLD - GOLD has found an all-time high before swiftly retracting to the swing low in a corrective manner during the NY session. We expect further buying as momentum co

Recensione 2024-10-24 11:25
Your Daily Financial Fix

Your Daily Financial Fix

Market AnalysisGOLD - GOLD has found an all-time high before swiftly retracting to the swing low in a corrective manner during the NY session. We expect further buying as momentum continues; however,

Recensione 2024-10-24 11:23
KVB Market Analysis | 24 Oct: EUR/USD Drops Ahead of PMI Data as ECB Cautions on Future Rate Cuts

KVB Market Analysis | 24 Oct: EUR/USD Drops Ahead of PMI Data as ECB Cautions on Future Rate Cuts

Product: XAU/USDPrediction: IncreaseFundamental Analysis:Gold retreats from all-time high of $2,758 as US 10-year Treasury yields rise, reflecting fears of higher deficit spending under a potential Tr

Notizia 2024-10-24 11:19
Analysis of today's market

Analysis of today's market

Gold price plunges from all-time high of $2,758 on Wednesday as US Treasury yields climbed, while the Greenback refreshes a two-month high, according to the US Dollar Index (DXY). At the time of writi

Notizia 2024-10-24 09:39
FBS Provides Support to Flood-Affected Communities in Thailand

FBS Provides Support to Flood-Affected Communities in Thailand

FBS is committed to making a positive impact during difficult times. Our partners in Thailand, Kanokwan Sriniang and Hirunyapong Vongfutan, have spearheaded flood relief efforts in the provinces of Ch

Notizia 2024-10-23 22:59
全球市场报告: 今日头条

全球市场报告: 今日头条

市场分析黄金 - 黄金在昨日盘整一段时间后创出新高。目前,价格必将再次跌至 2740.884 下方。预计市场将从此处继续买入,但低点可能会延伸整理。虽然会有挑战,但买盘肯定会出现。有鉴于此,我们将继续寻找看涨机会。白银 - 白银已攀升至新高,预计买盘将进一步持续。对此,我们的观点不会有太大变化。DXY - 美元正在上涨,随着降息押注的调整,美元有望进一步上涨。根据 CME FedWatch 工具,

Recensione 2024-10-23 14:57
Daylight Saving for EU 27 Oct 2024

Daylight Saving for EU 27 Oct 2024

Notizia 2024-10-23 14:47

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