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U.S Dollar Jumps on Heightens Treasury Yield

U.S Dollar Jumps on Heightens Treasury Yield

The U.S. dollar extended its rally as selling pressure in the bond market pushed Treasury yields higher, bolstering the dollars strength.ECBs Christine Lagarde highlighted the subdued inflationary pre

Notizia 2024-10-23 13:38
Global Markets Report: Today's Top Stories

Global Markets Report: Today's Top Stories

Market Analysis GOLD - GOLD made a new high after consolidating for a while yesterday. Currently, the price is bound to fall again under 2740.884. It is expected that the markets will

Recensione 2024-10-23 12:35
Today's Top Headlines

Today's Top Headlines

Market Analysis GOLD - GOLD made a new high after consolidating for a while yesterday. Currently, the price is bound to fall again under 2740.884. It is expected that the markets will

Recensione 2024-10-23 12:27
DBG Markets: Market Report for Oct 23, 2024

DBG Markets: Market Report for Oct 23, 2024

Market OverviewGOLD - GOLD made a new high after consolidating for a while yesterday. Currently, the price is bound to fall again under 2740.884. It is expected that the markets will continue to buy f

Recensione 2024-10-23 11:54
KVB Market Analysis | 23 Oct: US Election's Impact on Crypto: Trump vs. Harris

KVB Market Analysis | 23 Oct: US Election's Impact on Crypto: Trump vs. Harris

Product: EUR/USD Prediction: Decrease Fundamental Analysis: EUR/USD posts a fresh 11-week low at 1.0800 in Tuesday‘s North American session. The major currency pair weakens on the downb

Recensione 2024-10-23 10:59
Solemn statement

Solemn statement

Dear users, we have noticed that some criminals have recently impersonated the official website of Macro Markets on the Internet. In order to protect your interests, we hereby declare that the f

Notizia 2024-10-23 10:21
Analysis of today's market

Analysis of today's market

Gold prices extended their gains for the fifth day out of the last six and reached an all-time high (ATH) at $2,748, just shy of the psychological $2,750 mark. Geopolitical tensions and expectations t

Notizia 2024-10-23 09:52
Join FBS at the Traders Fair in Davao, Philippines

Join FBS at the Traders Fair in Davao, Philippines

Were pleased to remind you that FBS is a Diamond Sponsor of the upcoming Traders Fair in Davao, Philippines.On October 26,ourFBS team will be ready to connect, answer your questions, and help you grow

Notizia 2024-10-22 20:50
Dollar Stays Strong as U.S. Election is Approaching

Dollar Stays Strong as U.S. Election is Approaching

Gold Remain strong despite facing slight technical retracement in the last session. The dollar remains robust, with the dollar index notching its highest level in October as treasury yield surged. Eye

Notizia 2024-10-22 13:19
DBG Markets: Market Report for Oct 22, 2024

DBG Markets: Market Report for Oct 22, 2024

Market OverviewWill Israel Strike Now? The tension between Israel and Iran is at its peak, and an attack may be imminent. When exactly? We dont know, but the likelihood of an attack today, tonight, or

Recensione 2024-10-22 11:47
KVB Market Analysis | 22 Oct: Dow Drops 350 Points Amid Fears of Prolonged High Fed Rates

KVB Market Analysis | 22 Oct: Dow Drops 350 Points Amid Fears of Prolonged High Fed Rates

Product: XAU/USDPrediction: IncreaseFundamental Analysis: Gold trades just below its record high, down 0.09%, as US Treasury yields rise over 10 basis points, reaching 4.192%. Safe-haven flows continu

Recensione 2024-10-22 10:29
Financial Stories of the Day

Financial Stories of the Day

Market AnalysisGOLD - Prices dropped after peaking at around 2740.840. With the current price movement, we can see where the SD zone for the possible next bottom will be. We wait for further buying bu

Recensione 2024-10-22 10:20
Market Pulse: Today's Top Headlines

Market Pulse: Today's Top Headlines

Market Overview Will Israel Strike Now? The tension between Israel and Iran is at its peak, and an attack may be imminent. When exactly? We don't know, but the likelihood of an a

Recensione 2024-10-22 10:17
Analysis of today's market

Analysis of today's market

During the U.S. trading session on Monday, gold prices once again hit a new all-time high, but the upward trend paused amid rising U.S. Treasury yields and a strengthening dollar. Over the past five t

Notizia 2024-10-22 09:30
Earn Up To $500 This Halloween with PU Prime's Copy Trading

Earn Up To $500 This Halloween with PU Prime's Copy Trading

As Halloween approaches, PU Prime is excited to introduce our latest promotion that combines the thrill of the spooky season with the potential to earn big. Running from 21st October 2024 to 20th Nove

Notizia 2024-10-21 16:21
DBG Markets: Market Report for Oct 21, 2024

DBG Markets: Market Report for Oct 21, 2024

Market OverviewGold has reached an all-time high as tensions escalate in West Asia following an alleged assassination attempt on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. Irans recent announcement regarding t

Recensione 2024-10-21 14:10
Middle East Conflicts Intensify, Gold Jump

Middle East Conflicts Intensify, Gold Jump

Gold surged to new records amid the worsening situation in the Middle East. Wall Street remains strong, with optimism about earnings performance. BTC rose to near the $70,000 mark as the U.S. presiden

Notizia 2024-10-21 13:55
Market Madness: Financial Stories of the Day

Market Madness: Financial Stories of the Day

Market AnalysisGOLD - While it is uncertain how much further gold will increase, the current momentum suggests continued upward movement, driven by recent developments in Israel. Investors are closely

Recensione 2024-10-21 12:12
Quick Hits from Today's Markets

Quick Hits from Today's Markets

Market Overview Gold has reached an all-time high as tensions escalate in West Asia following an alleged assassination attempt on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. Iran's recent announcem

Recensione 2024-10-21 12:11
AUS GLOBAL Invited to Prince William’s Charity Gala Dinner, Opening a New Chapter in European Market

AUS GLOBAL Invited to Prince William’s Charity Gala Dinner, Opening a New Chapter in European Market

AUS GLOBAL is pleased to announce that the company‘s CEO, Ms. Naima Dayf, attended the charity dinner hosted by Prince William at the British Museum in London on October 16, 2024. The event gathered t

Notizia 2024-10-21 12:04

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