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4 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw money and unable to log in to the web page

The customer service did not explain that it is mandatory to use ctraders for trading, and withdrawals cannot be used. Now, even the withdrawal page cannot be logged in.

Malaysia Malaysia 2023-10-10 07:43
Malaysia Malaysia 2023-10-10 07:43

Once I told the broker that I want to withdraw, the broker let me lose 300 US dollars

Once I told the broker that I want to withdraw, the broker let me lose 300 US dollars

Malaysia Malaysia 2023-06-14 00:44
Malaysia Malaysia 2023-06-14 00:44

The signal is always unreliable, it is easy to liquidate, and it is impossible to make a profit

At beginning, I invested 100 usd, and then my position was liquidated. After that, he asked me to add 1000 usd to ensure profit, but I told him I didn’t have that much. So he Asked me to deposit 500usd (use bonus to induce), then he asked me to deposit another 100 when I was about to liquidate, but it didn’t work, and the position was liquidated again, then he asked me to deposit 1000usd (use bonus to induce me to deposit again), 100% can earn Returned to 700usd, but it lasted for 1-2 months, and the position was liquidated. After that, he asked me to add money to keep the position (also induced by bonus). I believe it is not my problem. I have no loss in my own investment. The last two images are invested by myself

Malaysia Malaysia 2023-01-21 04:27
Malaysia Malaysia 2023-01-21 04:27
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

I've tried many times but I failed

Vietnam Vietnam 2021-05-18 13:33
Vietnam Vietnam 2021-05-18 13:33
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