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37 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

I would like to know if this is the company of this company or not.

At first, do mission 120000 After completing the mission, it was announced that the profit received was higher than the profit that the company had set. and let the compensation mission increase to 500000 of the next round of missions When finished, there are still 550000 final missions. Another time, at that time, the funds were no longer available. and force him to complete the mission until he can withdraw The company has borrowed 550000 until the mission is completed. Is not willing to do the last round like being forced to do And what should people who do not have money to return? If I don't return the portion borrowed from the company, I can't withdraw it. What should I do?

Thailand Thailand 2023-05-13
Thailand Thailand 2023-05-13

Trash salesman and trash platform

This woman is a liar, failed to seduce, and began to curse. Everyone wiped their eyes, this kind of platform can only enter and not come out, and the platform salesmen promise to protect their capital. After inferior, regular platform salesmen are not allowed to do transactions, and the platform promises to protect their capital? ? ?

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2023-04-06
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2023-04-06
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

I’m thinking about whether to continue to deposit. I feel that it is too difficult about endless traps. I feel that I can’t withdraw my hard earning money and it is impossible to get help from others. Should such platform be blocked?

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-12-13
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-12-13
Unable to Withdraw

Withdrawal is frozen and the account balance is cleared

The withdrawal was refused, indicating that the account was suspected of making illegal profits and has been frozen. If you need to withdraw, you need to deposit the same amount of balance to unfreeze. The user did not deposit and found that the account was emptied the next day, and the balance was reset to zero.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-12-11
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-12-11
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

There is an anniversary event today and offering gift money so I deposit ten thousands, but I cannot withdraw then. It requires me to deposit another ten thousands in order to wihtdraw. Why you do not state clearly when you have this event. I won't make appointment if you state it clearly.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-11-28
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-11-28
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

There is an anniversary event today and offering gift money so I deposit ten thousands, but I cannot withdraw then. It requires me to deposit another ten thousands in order to wihtdraw. Why you do not state clearly when you have this event.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-11-28
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-11-28
Unable to Withdraw

Money has been detained and cannot be withdrawn. The money need to be transferred tonight. Please deal with it with fairness, supervision.

Money has been detained and unable to withdraw. Please deal it with fairness. I had no other choice.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-11-27
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-11-27
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdraw. All the money was locked. Money will be cleared to zero without withdrawal. How to resolve it.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-11-27
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-11-27

Unable to withdraw due to freezing account. It is complicated but withdrawal successful at the end. People may refer it

there is a little balance left which use for many years. I cannot withdraw them at first because the account has been freezed. It requires lots of documents. I unfreeze the account first and then it is able to withdraw. although it is complicated process but the fund withdraw successfully at the end. People may refer my case if you have similar situation.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-11-18
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-11-18
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

There was an anniversary celebration last night and I made an appointment for 100000 and deposited 50000. Then I could not withdraw. It asked me to deposit 50000 further. Is this a scam?

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-10-20
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-10-20

The platform keeps letting me recharge, but it doesn’t let me withdraw money

When I first started trading on this platform, it was very successful. Later, I booked an event customer service, and he told me that I could withdraw money by charging 50,000. I charged it but the withdrawal was unsuccessful. The customer service said that I did not have a turnover account, so it was frozen. I can withdraw money only when I have an VIP account, and I need to charge more than 60,000. Then I tried a way to charge it, but I couldn't withdraw money. I asked the customer service again, and the customer service said that a dedicated channel was needed for payment, so I need to pay another 30,000 deposit to get money. Now I don't have the money to pay the security deposit, and money has been scammed by the platform.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-09-28
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-09-28

Unable to withdraw and the account funds will be frozen if personal tax is not paid.

Unable to withdraw and the account funds will be frozen if personal tax is not paid. The deposit is not recorded. It is easy to withdraw money in the early period, but you cannot receive a response even waiting for three days.

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-13
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-13

Induced fraud

It is said that you can’t withdraw funds when you are in a leapfrog operation. First you will upgrade your membership, then you will make up your deficit, then you will make up your deficit, then you will buy a security certificate, and then you will be called a deposit. This is not an induced fraud. Don’t believe it in the future. These ones

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-04-14
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-04-14
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

First, I bought a member, and later it was called no shortfall. Later, I bought a voucher, and later I paid a deposit. It said manual remittance. It has been more than ten days until now. I asked the customer service before and said it was queued to 389. Then there was no reply. Until today I can’t even enter the customer service. I can’t inquire. I can check everything else on the platform, but the customer service can’t enter the inquiry. I don’t understand what this platform means. The money is given, but I can’t enter the customer service to inquire. I don’t know this. Was it induced to pay, and then cried after paying? Is this a fraud?

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-04-11
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-04-11
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw in LMAX Global

When I withdrew once, I said that the account was frozen, and I had to recharge the relative amount to withdraw funds. After I rushed, I said that the account was frozen, and there was no turnover, and I couldn’t withdraw funds. I was asked to upgrade to a VIP customer to withdraw funds. I had to recharge 18 thousand. Later, it was said that the account was unfrozen and the deposit of 28888 was required to withdraw funds, so there was still no withdrawal.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-03-21
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-03-21
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

What happened? Verification is needed when I wanna withdraw funds. And I need to pay margin, 30% of my account balance.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-03-02
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-03-02
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

I met a woman named Liu Changjing on WeChat. She gave me an app to download and deposit. It was profitable but I can not withdraw funds and my account has been frozen. Be careful. The following is this person’s WeChat avatar and the app downloaded for me

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-01-28
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-01-28

LMAX Global embezzled my interest of $4,100 at least. The rollover was 400 times than usual so they compensated me $100.

This platform embezzled your interest when you hold positions. If it embezzled normally, it’s ok. But the fee was widened over 10 times suddenly in February, 2017. I reported to their customer service and emailed them but no one helped me solve the problem. In December, 2020, it happened again. What’s worse, this time the interest was widened 400 times. They didn’t reply to me when I reported to them twice. So I continued reporting, for half a month. So they compensated me $100 and explained that their data input was wrong. OMG, they should input the data manually? That means they can manipulate the spread? Please polish your eyes in case of embezzling your money. They deducted me of $46,600. I exposed them today. People who wanna invest here should thin twice. Here attach some screenshot.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-01-13
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-01-13
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Freeze the account during the withdrawal time. Ask for margin. My capital was gone. Who can help me

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-01-04
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-01-04
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Fraud platform. Return my capital. Beguile me into depositing funds. Can't get your money back if u deposit here

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-12-30
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-12-30
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