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37 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Fraud platform hasn't been regulated

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-12-28
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-12-28
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Have to deposit 15,000 for treasurer to reconcile my account. Otherwise I can’t withdraw funds

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-12-24
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-12-24
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Beguile u to deposit funds. And they say you should deposit 15,000 in advance to withdraw funds. Fraud platform. The customer service always has reasons...

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-12-24
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-12-24
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

The customer service asked me to add 15,000 margin.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-12-22
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-12-22
Unable to Withdraw

Can’t withdraw after profiting. So is the principal. It’s obviously a scam

Can’t withdraw after profiting. So is the principal. It’s obviously a scam

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-11-02
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-11-02
Unable to Withdraw

Can't withdraw

I'm unable to withdraw. They said my credit score was not enough to withdraw after I had paid margin. Now I should pay personal income tax as they said.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-09-28
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-09-28
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

The withdrawal is unavailable since May 1st. The platform asked for margin and credit-score raising fee.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-05-15
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-05-15
Unable to Withdraw

The platform induced me to add fund with grinding reasons.

The service induced me to add fund with grinding reasons. The fund is doomed.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-05-14
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-05-14
Unable to Withdraw


I deposited 150 thousand yuan and profited over 2 million. When applying for the withdrawal, I was asked to pay 10% margin due to wrong bank information. Then, with the excuse of insufficient credit score, it required me to pay 300 thousand, with 15000 per score, since my current score was 80. Though programmer team promised to provide fund aid, the withdrawal problem is yet to be solved.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-05-05
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-05-05

The platform will induce you to deposit and then give no access to withdrawal.

I was induced to open account by online salesman. I truly profited with his guidance. Then he inveigled me to add more fund to earn more. Having profited a lot, I was going to apply for the withdrawal. He said that he would test whether your account is secure(I thought he was modifying my bank information). 10 minutes later, he told me that it was secure. But the customer service said that my information was wrong, asking me to add 20% of the fund. Having this on exposure, I caution you against the fraud platform.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-04-29
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-04-29

Why this scam platform always exists?

The scam platform always keeps me awaiting, giving no access to withdrawal. The withdrawal request is pending check for 3 days.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-04-25
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-04-25

Hope relevant department see to this scam platform and make investigation into it.

The platform modified my account and bank information illegally and asked for margin, individual tax,etc., giving access to withdrawal.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-02-15
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-02-15

Such a scam patform should be punished severely.

The Chinese webiste of LMAX is disabled. It is a rip-off.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-02-01
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-02-01

Induced scam

After modifing my bank information illegaly, the platform gave no access to withdrawal and asked for margin.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-02-01
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-02-01
Unable to Withdraw

The platform gives no access to withdrawal, inducing you to add fund by grinding excuses.

I applied for the withdrawal on December 10, 2019, but hadn’t received it yet until 11st. The customer service asked me to pay the margin since my bank information was wrong. After paying 60000 RMB, I still hadn’t seen the balance on the noon of 12nd. I noticed that my credit score was not sufficient and needed to raise it. The customer service claimed that a withdrawal needs a 100 score, asking me to pay 4000 RMB for per score. Thus, I need to pay 80000 RMB. But the previous fund was all paid by my credit card.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-12-12
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-12-12

Compulsory close position by LMAX

Since 26th,July,I have talked with LMAX and its agent Wan Hai for a long time.The result of LMAX was that it would recover the history orders cut off on 26th,during which time,the gap between DJI and the history order was more than 1000 points.But the platform didn’t take charge of it.Because of huge amounts of orders,the remaining margin money couldn’t bear the market risk,which led to forced liquidation.The LMAX also didn’t take charge of this portion of loss.I was told that the position couldn’t be recovered on 30th.Then I asked for the compensation.Failing in negotiation,he said the position could be recovered on 15th,August.Isn't that a paradox?LMAX is always dragging to address it.I have posed all the details,voice records and chatting screenshot on the net.Please draw lessons from my experience.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-08-20
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-08-20

It can not pay by unionpay more than half a year

It only can be deposite, it canno be withdraw.Wire transfer channel can not be more than half a year can not pay through unionpay

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2018-12-15
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2018-12-15
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