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Invest Kingdom

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Invest Kingdom · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Invest Kingdom
Registered Country/Area China
Founded Year 2021
Regulation Not regulated
Minimum Deposit $250
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:1000
Spreads Starting at 1 pip for EUR/USD pair
Trading Platforms WebTrader
Tradable Assets Forex, Commodities, Indices, Shares, Cryptocurrencies
Account Types Main, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and VIP accounts
Customer Support Limited availability
Deposit & Withdrawal Debit/Credit Cards, Wire Transfer, Cryptocurrencies
Educational Resources Limited educational resources, primarily a FAQ section

Overview of Invest Kingdom

Invest Kingdom, founded in China in 2021, operates without regulatory oversight, which raises concerns about transparency and security for investors. The absence of regulatory supervision means a lack of protective mechanisms typically offered by regulated entities, potentially exposing traders to fraudulent activities. While Invest Kingdom provides diverse trading assets and account types, competitive spreads, flexible payment options, and high leverage, it also falls short with a basic trading platform, limited educational resources, and the lack of clear customer support contact information on its official website. Traders should exercise caution, conduct thorough due diligence, and be aware of the associated risks due to its unregulated status when considering investment.

Overview of Invest Kingdom

Is Invest Kingdom legit or a scam?

Invest Kingdom operates without regulation or oversight from any financial authority. Without regulatory supervision, there is a lack of protective mechanisms and transparency that are typically provided by regulated entities. Unregulated firms may not adhere to industry standards, potentially exposing investors to fraudulent activities or unethical practices. Therefore, individuals considering Invest Kingdom should exercise caution, conduct thorough due diligence, and be aware of the associated risks due to its unregulated status, ensuring they make informed investment decisions.

Is Invest Kingdom legit or a scam?

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Diverse Asset Range Unregulated
Multiple Account Types Basic Trading Platform
Competitive Spreads Lack of Contact Information
Flexible Payment Options Limited Educational Resources
High Leverage

Invest Kingdom Pros:

  1. Diverse Asset Range: Invest Kingdom offers a wide spectrum of trading assets across various markets, including Forex, commodities, indices, shares, and cryptocurrencies, catering to diverse trading preferences.

  2. Multiple Account Types: The platform provides a range of account types with varying minimum deposit requirements and trading instruments, accommodating traders at different experience levels and financial resources.

  3. Competitive Spreads: Invest Kingdom offers competitive spreads, commencing at just 1 pip for the EUR/USD pair, making trading more cost-effective for users.

  4. Flexible Payment Options: Customers can deposit funds using debit/credit cards, wire transfers, or cryptocurrencies, providing flexibility and choice in how they fund their accounts.

  5. High Leverage: While it can be considered an advantage for experienced traders, the high leverage of up to 1:1000 allows users to amplify their positions significantly.

Invest Kingdom Cons:

  1. Basic Trading Platform: Invest Kingdom's web-based trading platform is suitable for basic trading but lacks advanced features found in industry-standard platforms like MetaTrader (MT4 and MT5).

  2. Lack of Contact Information: The official website lacks clear and accessible customer support contact information, raising concerns about the availability and responsiveness of their customer support.

  3. Limited Educational Resources: Invest Kingdom provides limited educational resources primarily in the form of a FAQ section, which may hinder traders' ability to acquire comprehensive knowledge and skills for successful trading.

  4. Regulatory Oversight: The platform operates without regulatory oversight, potentially exposing traders to risks related to the absence of supervision and safeguards provided by regulated brokers.

Market Instruments

Invest Kingdom offers a wide spectrum of trading assets across different markets:

Forex: Traders can engage in foreign exchange with pairs like EUR/USD, GBP/CAD, and USD/ZAR.

Commodities: The company provides opportunities to trade precious commodities such as gold, natural gas, and palladium.

Indices: Investors can access global stock indices like NASDAQ, FTSE100, and DAX30, allowing speculation on broader market trends.

Shares: Invest Kingdom features popular shares like Nvidia, Google, and Asus, catering to those interested in equity trading.

Cryptocurrencies: Cryptocurrency enthusiasts can explore digital asset markets with options like BTC, BNB, and DASH. This diverse array of trading assets caters to various trading preferences and strategies, enabling traders to diversify their portfolios across multiple financial markets.

Market Instruments

Account Types

Invest Kingdom offers a range of account types to cater to diverse trading needs, each with its unique features. These account types include:

  1. Main Account: This entry-level account provides leverage of up to 1:1000, competitive spreads starting at 1 pip for the EUR/USD pair, and allows trading in currency pairs.

  2. Bronze Account: With a minimum deposit of $2,500, the Bronze Account extends trading opportunities to currency pairs and commodities.

  3. Silver Account: The Silver Account, requiring a minimum deposit of $10,000, adds cryptocurrency and indices trading to the list of available assets.

  4. Gold Account: Starting at $25,000, the Gold Account provides access to trading currency pairs, commodities, cryptocurrencies, stocks, and indices.

  5. Platinum Account: With a minimum deposit of $50,000, the Platinum Account opens up the opportunity to trade across all offered asset classes.

  6. VIP Account: Designed for elite traders, the VIP Account demands a minimum deposit of $100,000. It grants access to an extensive range of assets and premium features.

These accounts are structured to accommodate traders with different experience levels and financial resources, offering various trading instruments and leverage to enhance the trading experience.

Aspects Main Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Vip
Leverage Up to 1:1000 Up to 1:1000 Up to 1:1000 Up to 1:1000 Up to 1:1000 Up to 1:1000
Spread Starting at 1 pip for EUR/USD pair Starting at 1 pip for EUR/USD pair Starting at 1 pip for EUR/USD pair Starting at 1 pip for EUR/USD pair Starting at 1 pip for EUR/USD pair Starting at 1 pip for EUR/USD pair
Trading assets Currency Pairs Currency Pairs, Commodities Currency Pairs, Commodities, Crypto, Indices Currency Pairs, Commodities, Crypto, Stocks, Indices Currency Pairs, Commodities, Crypto, Stocks, Indices Currency Pairs, Commodities, Crypto, Stocks, Indices
Minimum Deposit $250 $2,500 $10,000 $25,000 $50,000 $100,000
Trading platfom WebTrader WebTrader WebTrader WebTrader WebTrader WebTrader
Free Demo Account Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with Invest Kingdom is a straightforward process. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Visit the Official Website

  • Start by accessing Invest Kingdom's official website using your web browser. Ensure that you are on the official and secure website.

Step 2: Registration

  • Look for the “Sign Up” or “Open an Account” button on the website's homepage. Click on it to begin the registration process.

Step 3: Personal Information

  • You'll be prompted to fill out a registration form with your personal details, including your name, email address, phone number, and country of residence. Ensure all information is accurate and up to date.

Step 4: Verify Identity

  • Invest Kingdom may require users to verify their identity for Know Your Customer (KYC) purposes. This typically involves providing official identification documents such as a passport, driver's license, or other relevant documents.

Step 5: Deposit Funds

  • Once your identity is verified, you can proceed to fund your trading account. Invest Kingdom accepts payments in USD, EUR, and RUB. The minimum deposit requirement varies based on the chosen account type.

Step 6: Start Trading

  • With your account funded, you can now start trading on the Invest Kingdom platform, accessing various trading instruments and taking advantage of their trading features. Remember to trade responsibly and stay informed about market developments.

How to Open an Account?


The leverage at Invest Kingdom can reach as high as 1:1000. It's important to note that this level of leverage significantly surpasses the regulations imposed by EU and UK authorities, which cap it at 1:30, and even exceeds the limits set by US and Canadian regulators, which restrict it to 1:50. This substantial leverage offering poses a notable risk associated with trading on the Invest Kingdom platform.


Spreads & Commissions

Invest Kingdom boasts a highly competitive spread, commencing at just 1 pip for the EUR/USD pair. This level is notably below the industry average, strategically positioned to entice traders and make their trading experience more cost-effective.

Trading Platform

Invest Kingdom provides traders with a web-based trading platform suitable for basic trading activities. However, it lacks advanced features like support for social trading or Expert Advisors (EAs). While clients can monitor the market and implement fundamental strategies, it falls short compared to industry-standard platforms like MetaTrader (MT4 and MT5). MetaTrader offers superior reliability and advanced tools, making it a preferred choice for experienced traders.

Invest Kingdom's platform serves traders well for basic operations but may not meet the demands of those seeking more advanced features and capabilities in their trading endeavors.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

Invest Kingdom provides customers with three convenient options for depositing funds, ensuring flexibility and ease of use:

  1. Debit/Credit Cards: Traders can use their debit or credit cards for making deposits, allowing for swift and straightforward transactions.

  2. Wire Transfer: Investors also have the option to perform wire transfers, which can be suitable for larger deposits and international transfers.

  3. Cryptocurrencies: For those who prefer digital assets, Invest Kingdom accepts various cryptocurrencies as a means of deposit. This option provides both security and anonymity in financial transactions.

Minimum deposit requirements vary based on the selected account type, as outlined below:

Aspects Main Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Vip
Minimum Deposit $250 $2,500 $10,000 $25,000 $50,000 $100,000

The processing time for deposits typically depends on the chosen payment method and can vary. Debit/credit card deposits are usually processed promptly, while wire transfers may take longer due to banking procedures. Cryptocurrency deposits are generally faster and can be processed within a shorter timeframe. Invest Kingdom's multiple payment options and flexibility cater to the diverse preferences and needs of traders.

Customer Support

Invest Kingdom's official website does not offer effective contact information, indicating a lack of accessible customer support channels. This deficiency in communication options raises concerns about their responsiveness and availability when customers require assistance. It's essential for traders to have reliable means of reaching out to customer support to address inquiries, resolve issues, and ensure a seamless trading experience. The absence of clear contact details on the Invest Kingdom website may pose challenges for users seeking timely and efficient support, suggesting a potential gap in their customer service capabilities.

Customer Support

Educational Resources

Invest Kingdom's educational resources are notably limited, primarily consisting of a FAQ section. While FAQs can address common queries, they offer minimal in-depth educational content. The absence of comprehensive resources like tutorials, webinars, or articles for enhancing traders' knowledge is a significant drawback. Traders seeking thorough educational materials to support their trading journey may need to explore external sources to supplement their learning. This limited educational provision could potentially hinder traders' ability to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for successful and informed trading on the Invest Kingdom platform.


In summary, Invest Kingdom offers a wide range of trading assets across various markets, catering to diverse trading preferences. The platform provides multiple account types with varying features and leverages, allowing traders to choose based on their experience and financial resources. However, the substantial leverage poses a significant risk. While the platform offers competitive spreads, it lacks advanced features compared to industry-standard platforms like MetaTrader. Customer support accessibility is a concern due to limited contact information. The educational resources are primarily limited to a FAQ section, potentially hindering traders' knowledge acquisition. Traders should carefully evaluate these aspects when considering Invest Kingdom for their trading needs.


Q: What leverage does Invest Kingdom offer to traders?

A: Invest Kingdom provides leverages of up to 1:1000 on different account types.

Q: What payment methods can I use to deposit funds into my Invest Kingdom account?

A: You can use debit/credit cards, wire transfer, or cryptocurrencies for deposits.

Q: Is there a demo account available for practice?

A: Yes, Invest Kingdom offers free demo accounts for traders to practice and test their strategies.

Q: How competitive are the spreads on Invest Kingdom?

A: Invest Kingdom offers competitive spreads, starting at just 1 pip for the EUR/USD pair.

Q: What trading assets are available on the platform?

A: Invest Kingdom offers trading in currency pairs, commodities, cryptocurrencies, stocks, and indices, depending on the chosen account type.


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