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Insider Exposure of Seener Tech Limtied (i.e. Cloud Chinese Medicine) Fake Futures Scam on Meta Trader 5 Platform
I have been investing in stocks for more than three years. In May this year, I was inexplicably pulled into a stock speculation group of two to three hundred people. The so-called teacher in the group was called Tian Xingming, who claimed to be the head of “Shengming Capital” in Hainan, China. The assistant was Xiaoyu and Tian Xingming each I would recommend stocks to group friends to buy on trading days. I didn’t believe it at first, but I bought it after seeing that the winning rate was quite high. Tian Xingming would not only recommend stocks, but also explain the technology in words. I have to admit that Tian Xingming is quite good. knowledge of securities trading. About June 15th, Tian Xingming started the live broadcast in the "" live broadcast room, and there were more than 2,000 listeners, including many people. Tian Xingming began to brainwash the audience. The slogan was "A group of people will win together with one heart". He explained the knowledge of stock trading in the framework of "capital-form-emotion", and promised to listen to the lecture seriously and let the so-called technical director Wang Qirui assist in the installation of the main monitoring indicators. When the audience already trusted Tian Xingming, Tian Xingming changed his style of painting, saying that these are just tea money, and if you want to do it, you need to make a big vote. The big vote he said refers to the Chinese listed company Shouxiangu (603896), advocating that Shouxiangu is known as Maotai in medicine and has a very high voice in the international Ganoderma lucidum industry. He said that listed companies cannot raise their share prices privately. . On June 23, Tian Xingming asked the investors who had been brainwashed by 30% of their positions to enter Shouxiangu. In a later live broadcast, Tian Xingming answered a call and called Li Dong (now I understand that he implied that the person who answered the phone was from Shouxiangu.) Mr. Li Mingyan), after answering the phone, Tian Xingming said that the funds used by Shouxiangu to hype the international Ganoderma may be delayed by two weeks, and then stated that he could not let the boiled duck go to waste anyway. At the beginning, there was a request to cooperate in the group and asked whether Laotian should take everyone to fry Ganoderma lucidum. After a day or two, Lao Tian agreed, but he had to follow the orders with high execution ability, and then pull investors into different groups. The group I entered was called "Customer Service 1962 Group in China", and then assistant Xiaoyu put the Meta Trader 5 The installation package was sent to everyone, and Seener Tech Limtied was called up after setting up through QQ remote assistance. There are 6 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine in it, the first one is Ganoderma lucidum. The customer service avatars in "Customer Service 1962 Group in China" are all "Cloud Chinese Medicine", they will send a link, and then when we enter the account number, a corporate account in mainland China will pop up. Investors will be closed from July 4th. On July 14th, he transferred a large amount of funds to several domestic corporate accounts provided by Yunzhong Medicine. Tian Xingming said that after frying Lingzhi for two weeks, the funds doubled, and then the profit would be higher when he entered Shouxiangu again. I went from doubt to temptation to fall to despair. Every time I increase the capital, Tian Xingming threatens that the fund maintenance rate must be high, otherwise I will be forced to close the position. I originally applied for the withdrawal on Wednesday of the second week, because I have always doubted whether the fund can be withdrawn, and T is increased by 1. The withdrawal has not yet arrived. At four o'clock in the afternoon on Thursday, Tian Xingming used a very exaggerated false operation to blow up all the investors' positions. My account is now negative. In fact, at that moment, I already knew how much you earned. The so-called cloud Chinese medicine is simply a fake software made by itself that can change the trend of the K line at will. The funds that investors call to the corporate account are transferred to the public account at the first time. Money laundering in secondary accounts. This damn company is registered in Hong Kong, and I don’t know whether mainland China can supervise companies in Hong Kong, China, but many, many investors are deceived by such fake futures exchanges. If they lose money in regular futures, then Self-confessed bad luck, but this is really hurtful and insulting. Every word I said has corresponding evidence. I will post the evidence in the attachment. I hope that the family members who have been damaged on this platform will wake up soon. I believe that these gangsters will be severely punished!
July 14, 2022 is the darkest day
Shengming Capital, headed by Tian Xingming, said that it was gathering, dispersing, giving and combining, and took the students' collective stock to make a village → Shouxiangu (603896) Xiangu waste to 70 yuan. On the afternoon of June 23, a three-tier warehouse of funds was built. Later, he said that because the funds of Shouxiangu Company could not be in place, the funds were not enough, so he began to deceive students that Ganoderma lucidum was the leader of Shouxiangu. First, he told us that as long as Ganoderma lucidum rose to 30 yuan, 40 yuan would be a hot spot to detonate Shouxiangu. , and began to ask the students to transfer the funds from Shou Xian Gu to make Ganoderma lucidum, and to double the capital for two weeks. Every day from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm, Tian Xingming gives lectures at Mai Mai. Brainwashing slogan: A group of people will win together. After each operation, a screenshot of the transaction is sent to the assistant. On the afternoon of Wednesday (13), the students are instructed to buy the latent stocks of the first floor to lock the students’ funds, paving the way for the strong fall on Thursday, and the students will start the operation at about 10:10 am on Thursday. Later, the second-tier warehouse was added and the price fell again. During this period, Tian Xingming repeatedly emphasized the protection of the safety factor of the position and the transfer of funds from outside the market. Around 16:00, it was a good time to double the power and eat big meat. Finally, all positions were forced to be liquidated. Funds can only be transferred in and out. Please stay away from this scam group.
Maliciously changing the trend of BTC, resulting in the liquidation of the MT5 trading account, resulting in an actual loss of 260,000 USDT! Hope platform pays attention!
I, Wang Xinzhi, MT5 trading account: 1080181 Called on May 28 to recommend the company’s WeChat, added their corporate public account Mukwake Culture Information, assistant Zhang Wen pulled into the chat group of the Sanlian Press, established a QQ group in early June, and recommended stock six National Chemical Industry, they give lectures through the large lecture hall of the Sanlian Association, from 9:20 am to 10:30 am (Dong Hao), 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm (Liu Zhenqing), 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Dong Hao), 8:00 pm 9 o’clock (Liu Zhenqing); in the lecture, it was mentioned that retail investors are all leeks harvested by institutions, and retail investors united to harvest institutions; and then proposed to cooperate with institutions to operate a stock, called Jingu No. 3 (Shenzhou Information), saying that foreign cooperation institutions are Chaos Investment (Ge Weidong), Zhang Jianping Investment Group, China Southern Asset Management Co., Ltd. are in charge of building positions, Zhang Jianping and Ge Weidong are in charge of raising, and Southern Asset Management takes over, especially highlighting the concept of digital currency, saying it is a national strategy; everyone signed up to participate in the investment plan, I am scheduled a quota of 1 million; Then, for confidentiality, they gave them a dedicated communication tool, the Ant Messenger installation package. After everyone installed it, they set up a group; in mid-June, they started to build positions in batches, according to the proportion of 10% of the investment. For a single purchase, Dong Hao found out through the relationship of China Southern Fund that foreign capital was rushing to raise funds, and said that foreign capital was buying with 4 times the leverage. As long as the stock was suppressed by 20%, the foreign capital would be liquidated, requiring 800 million yuan. The smashing funds need to be borne by the scattered associations. Liu Zhenqing raised the 800 million funds everywhere, and hit a wall everywhere. At this time, Dong Hao proposed to operate Bitcoin to quickly earn the 800 million funds. Liu Zhenqing initially disagreed, but with the The Jingu No. 3 plan was repeatedly delayed, and he finally had no choice. On June 27, he began to lead the members of the scattered association to enter the bitcoin market, saying that they would be in line with the country and only short bitcoin, and said that the national team will soon be Participate in shorting Bitcoin, and there is a lot of room to make money, with more than 10 times the income; I gave the QR code of the account opening specialist of Seener Tech Limited, and everyone added the QR code to download the MT5 trading software; I initially invested 50,000 RMB, and the deposit and transfer was done by Shandong Xinyuan Trading Co., Ltd. (acceptor). Soon there were more than 7,300 US dollars in the investment account. Following Liu Zhenqing and Dong Hao's one-day operation, I earned more than 2,000 US dollars; then They drank a lot of people in the group to show their profits, and assistant Zhang Wen and president Liu Zhenqing also persuaded to increase investment; they invested 1.76 million yuan in succession; then they suddenly raised the price of bitcoin through the background, causing many accounts to blow up their positions, and then Let you make additional investments. On July 5th and July 6th, the prices rose sharply twice in a row, and I checked the international bitcoin transaction price without this fluctuation, and the price is completely different.
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