继澳洲分公司成立后,外汇天眼(WikiFX)马不停蹄,现香港分公司也正式落成,并已投入运营。香港分公司辐射整个东南亚市场,能够针对当地市场做更全面的考察和分析。天眼希望通过不断的海外扩展,为全球用户提供更优质的服务。将更全面、更权威、更有效的外汇信息,第一时间展现给广大用户,并帮助用户解决更多外汇投资问题。 WikiFX makes another great move by setting up the HongKong office immediately after the opening of Australian branch. HongKong branch would be a regional office to investigate, collect and analyze information of Southeast Asian market; and has been already put in operation. Through the expansion of overseas market, WikiFX will offer the best service and the most comprehensive, authoritative and accurate Forex information to the investors in a timely manner, helping investors to solve various Forex problems.