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Impossible de retirer de l'argent et demande de remboursement
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Unable to withdraw money and demand to payback
Hi everyone ,I been encounter by a mysterious person in Facebook ,it a hongkong women but also like Guangzhou person .she tried to make friends with me and chat about she also half Malaysian half hongkong, and passed few days,she tell me to help her place order on the lenmax website,and so I have stubbornness to fall for her trap , without my permission she tell "Mr Lee"her teacher to open a account for me and the women say "I give you 2000usd for helping me pace order" and I fall for it . The next day Mr Lee say "need to deposit you own money to start"pls do not trust this word. Then 2 week pass I make 16000usd and the teacher say the program has finish then tell me to withdraw money from a financial institution. The financial women say that need to pay 8000ringgit for teacher commission.so I gamble pay2000ringgit only.nextday she say not enough still need 2131remaind to withdraw andtreated me get sued and going to court. So pls this is a scamfraud donot trust the them to join thank
M'a incité à investir et à gagner de l'argent, mais a refusé de retirer et a encore facturé des frais
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