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104 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

unable to withdraw my money

she upgrade your VIP0 TO VIP 1 I was upgrade vip1 3000 I don't wanto withdraw any naira

Nigeria Nigeria 2022-04-09 22:25
Nigeria Nigeria 2022-04-09 22:25
Unable to Withdraw

withdrawal issue

made a withdrawal from Octafx and tried to transfer amount to my bitcoin wallet.tried my bank account and was advised that this option not provided to south africa and all attempts where rejected Octafx gave me option to withdraw using Tether ERC20 or TrC20 which I choose ERC20 and linked my etherium wallet adress from my luno and withdrawal was successful only to find out the network used was burned in south africa which is USDT in this case money left dangling on the network and lost.

South Africa South Africa 2021-12-16 19:55
South Africa South Africa 2021-12-16 19:55
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

I deposited 150,000 pesos and started investment on this platform. But they rejected my withdrawal of $5,000 and the customer service did not reply. Please help.

Venezuela Venezuela 2021-10-11 06:25
Venezuela Venezuela 2021-10-11 06:25
Unable to Withdraw

They are a fraud company.

I was contacted by OctaFX after I responded to there promotions that I saw on Facebook. They asked me to open up an account with $500 and then another person called me every night at the same time to give me “training” on how to trade via software that was down loaded onto my PC. I make trade on 3 Months but when I request for withdrawals they refused it and rejected my requests.

Philippines Philippines 2021-09-23 21:49
Philippines Philippines 2021-09-23 21:49

Octafx not crediting my deposit from two weeks

Hi my name is Syed usman Shah. I am trading on octafx from more than 6 months. On april 12 i deposited Rs40000 which is equivalent to $261 but they have added only 32.75$ which is only Rs5000 i told this issue to support many time they always says our finance team is working on this issue and As soon As possible the will resolve this issue but they haven't able to resolve it so finally i came here after contacting many time to support but they are unable to solve my issue.

Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-22 06:30
Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-22 06:30
Unable to Withdraw

unable to withdraw

At first my friend told me about octafx that time I had the money to invest so I registered and deposited and trade with them after gaining the exact amount I wanted, I proceed to withdraw but it keeps telling me they have sent it but I didn't receive anything in my account.

Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-20 19:04
Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-20 19:04
Unable to Withdraw

octafx copytrading am unable to withdraw they wm

I can't withdraw they want me to put in $25 and I had just $ 3.66 now u can't even withdraw back my money so sad

Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-20 09:05
Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-20 09:05
Unable to Withdraw

Do not believed the sweet words of a Scammer.

This woman chatted with me on telegram and she told me that she could help me in making money online. I deposited $300into the account, And after a 3 months my last check of my account it has $3000 but now I cannot access the account, and she no longer responds to any messages from me.

Philippines Philippines 2021-09-19 17:43
Philippines Philippines 2021-09-19 17:43

This OctaFX is Fake!

it's fake business they took my from my account I email my broker she didn't replied me I call the office number they block much number.

Philippines Philippines 2021-09-18 23:02
Philippines Philippines 2021-09-18 23:02
Unable to Withdraw

made a withdrawal but didnt get paid

i was drawn to make an initial deposit in order to start mining and earning more so I made a deposit and was updated but when it got to withdraw her I made a withdrawal since but have not yet still being paid anytime I report to a customer care they always block my number they totally scammed me

Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-18 22:11
Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-18 22:11

i made a recharge but didnt reflect

I was actually going through their site when I saw some amazing features so I tried to make a return so I can earn more from them so after my recharge I did it on my dashboard just to wait and see if my recharge usdt will reflect but up to now it's 0 I tried to complain to the customer care but they have me blocked please kindly assist me and uptill now my wallet is 0 i was not refunded[d83d][de13]

Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-18 17:03
Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-18 17:03
Unable to Withdraw

they scammed me and couldn't withdraw

I made a recharge of 10usdt on their site. and have been performing each and every tasks they ask me to do but now recently i tried to withdraw but they froze my acc and didnt want to approve my withdraw and they turned my acc to 0.808usdt. pls assit me😢😢

Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-18 04:37
Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-18 04:37
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

At first my friend told me about octafx that time I had the money to invest so I registered and deposited and trade with them after gaining the exact amount I wanted, I proceed to withdraw but it keeps telling me they have sent it but I didn't receive anything in my account.

Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-18 01:17
Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-18 01:17

I have been scammed from OctaFX

I started to trade with 4500 and they promise to give me a 10% of what I deposit after that I started trading but when I ask to withdraw my money they said you have no right to do that and you have to sign a contract, then they said if you want your money now you should sign the trading contract and when I just ask for my capital or my starting fund the 4500$ they said okay just sign the trading contract to give you your money back even that I do not want to trade with them anymore and I just want the money that I deposit

Philippines Philippines 2021-09-17 20:02
Philippines Philippines 2021-09-17 20:02
Unable to Withdraw

unable to withdraw

At first my friend told me about octafx that time I had the money to invest so I registered and deposited and trade with them. I proceed to withdraw but it keeps telling me they have sent it but I didn't receive anything in my account.

Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-17 18:55
Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-17 18:55
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

A friend of mine told me about octafx,at first I was very doubtful,but after much convincing from him,I registered,deposited and traded with them.After gaining the exact amount I wanted, I proceeded to withdraw but it kept telling me they have sent it but I didn't receive anything in my account up till this moment.

Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-17 18:22
Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-17 18:22
Unable to Withdraw

unable to withdraw

my cousin told me about octafx that time I had the money to invest so I registered and deposited and trade with them after gaining the exact amount I wanted, I proceed to withdraw but it keeps telling me they have sent it but I didn't receive anything in my account.

Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-17 18:06
Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-17 18:06
Unable to Withdraw


At first my friend told me about octafx that time I had the money to invest so I registered and deposited and trade with them after gaining the exact amount I wanted, I proceed to withdraw but it keeps telling me they have sent it but I didn't receive anything in my account.

Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-17 17:48
Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-17 17:48
Unable to Withdraw

unable to withdraw

At first my friend told me about octafx that time I had the money to invest so I registered and deposited and had a trade with them after gaining the exact amount I wanted, I requested payment but it kept on telling me they have sent it and I didn't receive any payment in my account.

Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-17 17:37
Nigeria Nigeria 2021-09-17 17:37

Got burnt of USD$400 in a week because of a moment of folly.

Their scam works by asking you to deposit with promises of matching bonuses. After which, you are to blindly follow the broker's order to blindly trade (mine was a person named Dylan) and you will see losses after each string of trades to the point that the account is zero. They will also ask you to put up some long positions. I have emailed to them, they reply was you have zero dollars and to withdraw you must trade 30 times your deposit plus the matching bonuses! So USD600 x 30 times of trades before you can withdraw. Can it happen? Of course not! You need 87 trades for that to happen assuming USD$50 per trade. My disaster is your lesson learnt. Please spread the word around so that no one else will get conned again. My folly not to do a background check first. And surprising Facebook has their advertisement and Visa and MasterCard cannot do anything about these illegal transactions.

Philippines Philippines 2021-09-16 18:28
Philippines Philippines 2021-09-16 18:28
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