Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App

104 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Fraud, no payout

Since the EU accounts were canceled, there have been no more payouts, only standard answers from support

Germany Germany 2024-06-03 10:27
Germany Germany 2024-06-03 10:27


never use octa as a broker they are pure scammer the more gain my profit the more i loss. both my capital and profit lost while my trade giing all the way up.

Azerbaijan Azerbaijan 2024-04-06 13:30
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan 2024-04-06 13:30


hi my name is riham Ramadan the OctaFX have stopped withdrawal my account I have 23000$ in my account and no one of them give time to release the account always the telling me soon you will receive email and we will solve this problem almost one month

Turkey Turkey 2024-03-24 23:48
Turkey Turkey 2024-03-24 23:48

They took part of my money in my withdrawal.

I earned a late 5 thousand dollars, after that they blocked my access to the account without any explanation, banned me from the platform and the payment I received was less than half of my earnings.

Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago 2024-02-09 17:06
Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago 2024-02-09 17:06

A fraudulent company blocks large accounts

This company suspended my account and there was a large sum of more than $70,000 in it

Jordan Jordan 2023-09-21 05:54
Jordan Jordan 2023-09-21 05:54

do not give me confirm my trade advance setting?

pls see my trade advance do... market is goin on 1953... when i check my trade this time also pending.. pls check my sell trade time ..

India India 2023-09-02 00:43
India India 2023-09-02 00:43
Unable to Withdraw

my withdrawal note received in my bank account

octa fx is a fek broker my withdrawal not received in my bank account octafx officially ap is a show complete in a withdrawal 463$

India India 2023-08-23 00:05
India India 2023-08-23 00:05

They don't give you a refund. I'm still waiting

My name is jangsooyoung. The deposit caused by the payment problem has been delayed and this deposit has to be refunded to me from octafx. But they're delaying this refund and I've been having this unpleasantness for two weeks.I was expecting a quick refund due to their quick response but they are just asking me to wait.I'm not sure if they really refund my deposit. 

South Korea South Korea 2023-08-03 14:44
South Korea South Korea 2023-08-03 14:44

they are cheating

I m deposite money .. suddenly it goes zero ..after going ask in customer care .they said..u dnt have balance. and.. disconnected.. please give back my money

India India 2023-07-12 01:17
India India 2023-07-12 01:17
Unable to Withdraw


ill withdraw some amount but its not creadit in my bank account but the app is show in completed what i do

India India 2023-07-07 20:54
India India 2023-07-07 20:54

scam brokers

this Mercy James Forex will just get all your money, and when i was scanning at the bar code to make deposit it appears on the bar code OCTAFX, how come?if it is OVALEXFCRYPTOMARKET?... they will just get all your money and then you cannot withdraw it you need to deposit first 30,000 pesos for you to withdraw...after you deposit theres still no withdrawal....

Philippines Philippines 2023-06-27 14:39
Philippines Philippines 2023-06-27 14:39

Octafx took all my money

In the Octafx CopyTrading application, I have losses of thousands of dollars in my account. They took all my money. I'm looking for a way to get it back please.

Mexico Mexico 2023-06-11 13:52
Mexico Mexico 2023-06-11 13:52

have cheated me

octafx closed all my trades or blocked my user profile. Now my balance is also not returning me, only replying that payment will be done but did not do it. I have 7910 euro balance.

India India 2023-05-05 16:11
India India 2023-05-05 16:11
Unable to Withdraw

scams take profits and capital of customers

My name is THANH have an account on octa Fx mt4 20822676. Since I am trading on this market I know octaFX is a good exchange so I invested a total amount of $6742. I have been trading from 09/26/2022 until now for a long time and am also a loyal customer of octafx. so far when i trade with losses and deposit continuously, octaFX doesn't say anything and always welcomes me. and after some bad luck i was lucky to trade with a profit of around $8000 then octaFX made ridiculous excuses saying i was wrong in the trade but didn't point out i was wrong what . Is it wrong for me to trade at a loss and trade with a profit? and another absurd thing is that octaFX has locked mt4 and also my login page and won't let me withdraw my funds. I'm really upset with octaFX's treatment like a scam exchange.

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-05-01 18:10
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-05-01 18:10
Unable to Withdraw

Account blocked

Dear octa team, If you have technical fault on XNG pair, is it created by customers , obviously no then how octa have right to deduct this amount from account . Even you put my account on read mode only even my trade was open, that time I was not able to open or close trades or modify the trades. It was not final step by octa team finally they locked my account. Who one responsible for this my loss, will octa pay me for this loss, no octa will not pay then octa have no rights to deduct amount from people accounts. Through this way octa will lose million of costumers from octafx platform. Please don't imposed penalties to costumers. My octa account ID 24035464. I tried to withdraw amount but Its not done by octa team. Withdrawal request no is W10267504. Same time I rested to transfer in territory account. I was done. But after some time I was not able to open my account . It was blocked by octafx team. Everyone is crying due to this issue . Still I'm not able to open my account. Please solve this issue as soon as possible. Hopefully you will consider my request . Best regards Saeed Ahmad

United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates 2023-04-15 19:17
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates 2023-04-15 19:17

not sure

this broker not send my withdrawal please help me

Pakistan Pakistan 2023-02-01 07:04
Pakistan Pakistan 2023-02-01 07:04

Price Manipulation

OctaFX is one of the cheating Brokers,  they manipulate the price when the actual price never touches that mark, I am attaching the snapshot of my transaction see where the market was there and they hunted my SL intentionally, which is actually must be penalized.. I should get my earnings back.. Even I am attaching a snapshot of two charts ie one of Oanda, and another of for the same date and time. For example on 28th Sep 2022, time 16:48 you'll find the market was at the 1642 mark, even at 16:50 but see the OctaFX snapshot of that day and time transaction, they hunted my SL which was 1656.. How? Similarly, I have multiple transactions I can show.. Then I stopped OctaFX and they should be banned, they should correct their system, and compensate the customer for this. If I did't get the funds back, I'll escalate this matter to Consumer Forum, RBI, and every Authority for this. They should be penalized for this. 

India India 2023-01-28 16:36
India India 2023-01-28 16:36

withdrewal not success

withdrwal not complete be carefull

Pakistan Pakistan 2022-11-24 20:56
Pakistan Pakistan 2022-11-24 20:56

Dear OctaFX Team, I am waiting withdrawal amount

Dear OctaFX Team, I am waiting withdrawal amount from 22 june 2022 my total withdrawal request is $ 4000 , still not received in account so kindly help me and transfer to amount in my account .My trading account is - 26545396 withdrawal details 1- $ 2000 withdrawal request 21/june/2022 request id - W6909659 2- $ 2000 withdrawal request 21/june/2022 request Id - W6909628 Total withdrawal amount pending $ 4000 . My account details ABHIJEET KUMAR A/C -043101511943 IFSC - ICICI0000431 ICICI BANK BHAGALPUR BRANCH BIHAR

India India 2022-06-30 16:44
India India 2022-06-30 16:44
Unable to Withdraw

Withdrawal not come

I made a withdrawal request of 33$ on 28 may 2022 but today is 9 june 2022 but my withdrawal is not come I contact support team of octaFX but they didn't do anything

India India 2022-06-09 17:24
India India 2022-06-09 17:24
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