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7 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

My payment is late.

I applied for bank transfer on April 13th and paid the security deposit, but I haven't heard back. The person in charge of the customer said that the procedure would be completed in 3 business days, but it has been more than a week. I have contacted the customer service and support desk from here but have not received a response. There's nothing I can do about it.

Japan Japan 2023-04-22 02:46
Japan Japan 2023-04-22 02:46
Unable to Withdraw


I have always wanted to recover my money, this company doesn’t have certified brokers, unauthorized, no money management no risk management, They assign me outsource broker without my acknowledgment after a Chinese girl i met on Instagram lured me to invest $25k with this firm. It’s a big butchering scam stay away

United States United States 2023-03-25 19:31
United States United States 2023-03-25 19:31

Funds have been reduced without trading

I noticed that my funds were reduced even though I hadn't traded. I am very distrustful. I changed my PIN, but I changed my PIN twice. I wonder why this kind of situation happens.

Japan Japan 2023-03-22 21:07
Japan Japan 2023-03-22 21:07
Unable to Withdraw


Hello, my name is Hakan Özgök. I am writing you from turkey. I want to report you a scam. but I don't know where to apply., dear official, I am requesting information from a company of Chinese origin.  I would be very glad if you can help.  I started trading dollars at 'Cowtrading wealth ltd' ( ) through a Chinese close friend.  But when I wanted to withdraw the dollar I deposited, they demanded dollars under the name of tax.  I paid, they asked again, I paid again.  But they are still requesting dollars and not transferring back the amount in my account.  Which institutions or organizations should I contact about this issue?  Can you help me

Turkey Turkey 2023-03-10 22:43
Turkey Turkey 2023-03-10 22:43
Unable to Withdraw

can't withdraw money Disappearing Broker

1. Start investing from acquaintances Then add money to the port 15,000 baht (about $ 500) P.S. An acquaintance has been playing with the Cowtrading Wealth broker for almost 1 year. Which has to pay 30% of the profit in the amount of 44,222 baht we withdraw (start eh for the first time) 4. The admin informs that the exchange rate must be paid another 4.5% in the amount of 15,358.77 baht. 6. The admin informs that the new customer's identity must be paid for the first withdrawal of 25,555 baht (will be returned with the withdrawal amount) 7. Then the admin starts to disappear. We then inquired about the acceleration of withdrawal, another 10,000 baht was hit. 8. When it's time to get the balance Admin became quiet, didn't reply to Line and eventually disappeared.

Thailand Thailand 2023-02-26 13:33
Thailand Thailand 2023-02-26 13:33
Unable to Withdraw

Broker pays tax before withdrawal

Need to withdraw $40000, but if not The account will be suspended for 7 days, and it is claimed that there is one fund in the account. Before transferring the funds to your account within 2 hours, you need to pay 1 million Baht of tax.

Thailand Thailand 2023-02-12 08:25
Thailand Thailand 2023-02-12 08:25
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

When I tried to withdraw approximately 33 million yen, which together with the principal amount, amounted to about 20.315% of the profit (about 4 million yen), which was called taxes, because I had made a profit of about 20 million yen on the site, I was charged a fee of 20.315% of the profit (about 4 million yen). Reluctantly, he paid it, but now the funds were frozen on suspicion of money laundering. He explained that a 3% deposit (1,000,000 yen) was required to thaw the funds. (He explained that the deposit would be returned at a later date.) At one point, the company reduced the payment to 500,000 yen, saying that they would cover half of the deposit, but refused to pay it because the company did not show any evidence that they had to pay it. According to the company's explanation, if the deposit is not paid, the funds will remain frozen and will eventually belong to the third-party money transfer company involved in the payment. The company irresponsibly explained that it has nothing to do with the company. The help was not gone and they would respond, but they insisted that I had to pay the deposit. I have not been able to withdraw the funds to this day.

Japan Japan 2023-01-28 08:06
Japan Japan 2023-01-28 08:06
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