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Switzerland|5-10 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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Italy 2.96

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+41 91 922 46 93
Via Trevano 2A 6900 Lugano SWITZERLAND


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DXT · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name DXT
Registered Country/Area Switzerland
Founded Year 2015
Regulation Unregulated
Products & Services Energy and Carbon Certificates Trading,Renewable Power Management,Forestry Management,Energy Storage Systems,Solar Power Projects,Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Trading,Power and Gas Trading
Demo Account Available
Customer Support Phone:+41 91 922 46 93,

Overview of DXT

DXT, established in 2015 and based in Switzerland, is an unregulated entity specializing in various energy-related services.

The company's offerings include trading energy and carbon certificates, managing renewable power and forestry projects, providing energy storage solutions, expanding solar power installations, and trading liquefied natural gas (LNG) and power and gas.

DXT supports these activities with a demo account option for prospective clients and ensures robust customer support, available via phone and email.

This comprehensive suite of services positions DXT as a key player in promoting and managing renewable energy solutions and trading energy resources globally.

Overview of DXT

Regulatory Status

DXT operates as an unregulated company, meaning it does not fall under the direct oversight of financial regulatory authorities that typically oversee banking and trading activities.

While this will offer some operational flexibilities, it also places a greater emphasis on the company's internal governance and compliance measures to maintain trust and reliability in its services.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Diverse Services Regulatory Limitations
Global Operations Geographical Restrictions
Innovative Projects High Risk of Financial Products
Global Reach with Local Restrictions Compliance Risks
Secure Hosting Solutions Limited Service Offering to Individuals

Pros of DXT:

  1. Diverse Services: DXT offers a comprehensive range of services including renewable power management, energy storage systems, and trading of energy and carbon certificates. This diversity allows for integrated solutions in the energy sector.

  2. Global Operations: With activities in multiple global markets, including significant operations in LNG and power trading, DXT has a robust presence that can leverage international market dynamics and opportunities.

  3. Innovative Projects: The company's involvement in solar power projects and forestry management shows a commitment to innovation and sustainability, aligning with global shifts towards renewable resources.

  4. Customer Support Available: DXT provides dedicated customer support via phone and email, which can enhance client satisfaction and operational transparency.

  5. Demo Account Availability: The availability of a demo account allows potential clients to familiarize themselves with DXT's trading platforms and services before committing to real transactions.

Cons of DXT:

  1. Unregulated Status: DXT's unregulated status can raise concerns about the security and reliability of its operations, potentially affecting partnerships and customer trust.

  2. Young Company: Having been founded in 2015, DXT will lack the historical depth and experience that older firms in the energy sector boast, which could influence its market stability and reputation.

  3. Geographical Concentration: While globally active, DXT's significant focus on specific markets such as Europe and Brazil may not fully capitalize on opportunities in other rapidly growing regions.

  4. Service Complexity: The technical complexity of services like energy storage systems and renewable power management may deter less knowledgeable clients, limiting DXT's market to those with higher expertise in these areas.

  5. Investment Risk: The lack of a regulatory framework could expose investors and partners to higher financial risks, as there are fewer safeguards against operational malpractices or financial instability.

Products & Services

DXT offers a comprehensive range of services across various aspects of the energy sector. Heres a summary of their key services:

  1. Energy and Carbon Certificates Trading:

    1. DXT trades in renewable energy certificates (RECs) and carbon credits across global markets such as GO, REGO, RECs, and I-RECs. This helps in guaranteeing the origin of renewable energy and supports investments in greener energy solutions.

  2. Renewable Power Management:

    1. With over a decade of experience, DXT provides professional support to energy producers. They offer power purchase agreements (PPAs) that optimize market access and minimize risks, facilitating further development of renewable power plants.

      Products & Services
  3. Forestry Management:

    1. DXT is involved in the purchase and management of forest areas in New Zealand, focusing on pine and indigenous trees to maximize carbon capture and ensure forest health.

  4. Energy Storage Systems:

    1. They implement energy storage solutions, primarily through batteries, to stabilize the supply of energy from renewable sources and ensure continuous power availability during outages.

      Products & Services
  5. Solar Power Projects:

    1. DXT is expanding solar power plant coverage in Brazil, aiming to increase their output significantly. They also fund these projects through mechanisms like green bonds.

  6. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Trading:

    1. DXT handles the logistics and trading of over 40 LNG cargos annually, offering solutions to regassification hubs worldwide with a focus on flexibility and fast service.

      Products & Services
  7. Power and Gas Trading:

    1. Their trading operations cover electricity and natural gas across multiple markets in Europe and North America. They optimize physical power and gas flows, leveraging sophisticated forecasting models and a broad network of industry relationships.

      Products & Services

How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with DXT involves a few straightforward steps to ensure that prospective clients can access their trading platforms and services. Heres a simplified guide:

  1. Visit the Website: Start by navigating to DXT's official website. Look for the option or section dedicated to account registration, which is typically labeled as “Open Account,” “Register,” or similar.

  2. Complete the Registration Form: Fill out the online registration form with all the required details. This usually includes personal information like your name, contact details, and address, as well as professional details such as your company name and industry sector.

  3. Submit Necessary Documentation: Provide any necessary documents that may be required to verify your identity and qualifications. This could include identification documents, proof of address, and relevant business licenses or certifications, depending on the nature of the services you intend to use.

  4. Wait for Verification and Approval: After submitting your form and documents, wait for DXT to process your application. This will include a review of your documents and possibly additional vetting procedures. Once approved, youll typically receive an email with your account details and instructions on how to access your account.

Customer Support

DXT Commodities S.A. offers accessible customer support to address inquiries and provide assistance.

Clients and potential clients can contact their support team via several channels. For direct communication, the phone number is +41 91 922 46 93, which provides a quick way to get in touch with their team for immediate concerns.

Additionally, for those who prefer written communication or need to send documents, the email address is There is also a fax option available at +41 91 922 49 79 for sending documents that may require a physical copy.

This multi-channel support ensures that clients can reach out in the most convenient manner for them.

Customer Support


DXT Commodities S.A. is a dynamic player in the global energy sector, offering a diverse range of services from renewable energy management to trading in energy and carbon certificates.

Based in Switzerland, the company combines innovative energy solutions with robust customer support to facilitate the energy transition and promote sustainable practices across various industries.


Question: What types of services does DXT Commodities S.A. offer?

Answer: DXT provides a variety of services including energy and carbon certificate trading, renewable power management, forestry management, energy storage systems, solar power projects, liquefied natural gas (LNG) trading, and power and gas trading.

Question: How can I contact DXT Commodities S.A. for customer support?

Answer: You can contact DXT Commodities S.A. via phone at +41 91 922 46 93, by email at, or by fax at +41 91 922 49 79.

Question: Is DXT Commodities S.A. a regulated company?

Answer: No, DXT Commodities S.A. operates as an unregulated entity in Switzerland.

Question: How can I open an account with DXT Commodities S.A.?

Answer: To open an account, visit DXT's website, complete the registration form with your personal and professional information, submit the necessary documents for verification, and await approval from DXT. Once approved, you will receive account details and access instructions.

Broker Information

Company Name


Company Abbreviation


Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region


Phone of the company
  • +41 91 922 46 93

  • +420 736 418 070

  • +380 44 394 58 98

  • +1 203 529-7434

  • +55 11-3027-2900







Company address
  • Via Trevano 2A 6900 Lugano SWITZERLAND









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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Trusting the staff of this company is the most regrettable decision I will make in 2022! If I could turn back time, I would never do it. I will definitely learn my lesson and avoid the tragedy from happening again.
2023-03-09 16:55
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