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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


United Kingdom|2-5 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License|Suspicious Scope of Business|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


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Chinese (Simplified)

+852 25930122

Broker Information


Company Name

United International Foreign Investment Center Ltd

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Platform registered country and region

United Kingdom

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Pyramid scheme complaint


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This platform is a Ponzi Scheme. Please stay away! 5
Previous Detection : 2024-06-04
  • This broker has been verified to be illegal and all of its licences have expired, and it has been listed in WikiFX's Scam Brokers list. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The platform is a Ponzi Scheme, which refers to the use of "principle of value multiplication". In the form of rolling or static fund circulation, it uses the money of next member to pay to the present one, which is essentially a pyramid scheme with the distinction of hidden, deceptive and socially harmful. By calling common person's desire for money, fraudsters in the platform begin raising funds underground. Since this kind of platform mostly will abscond after 1 or 2 years, the fund-raising mode just can exist less than 3 years.

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Pyramid scheme complaint
Unable to Withdraw

Withdrawals have not been possible since December of last year, when UNITED was told that it was acquired and merged with TECHNOLOGY.

There are three TECHNOLOGY companies. When I emailed an English-speaking person, I received such a reply and an answer as if I contacted the manager. Withdrawal conditions are about 360,000 yen remaining in the FX account and about 100,000 yen tax, analyst data analysis fee is about 70,000 yen. No withdrawal even if the conditions are met. If you pay an overseas remittance fee of about 90,000 yen as an additional fee, you will be informed that you will withdraw.

2022-01-27 12:08

I applied at HP and have permission to withdraw.

The customer center ignores many questions and does not reply at all. It is a blockade in all directions. There is no choice but to intervene by law. The account manager repeats fraudulent things, finally pays taxes, and later charges fees and account management fees that are unthinkable. So, I submit a withdrawal application and tax payment application on the company homepage. I have been granted permission, but there is no deposit in my account. The amount is $25,000 and the tax is $2,500. This amount has already been deducted from your account. United didn't tell me that it was an error, and the customer center didn't answer any questions. Currently, it remains a $25,000 withdrawal permit and a $2,500 tax withdrawal permit. The tax amount sent to the account manager of 250,000 yen will not be refunded and will remain as it is. Please make a transfer to your $25,000 account and, if possible, an unconditional refund of $101517.29 will return ti your account.

2021-12-14 02:26

    UNITED · Company Summary

    General Information & Regulation

    United International Foreign Investment Center Ltd (“UIFIC”)is jointly created by professionals in the financial sector and experts in the field of foreign exchange and cryptocurrency investment, providing the world's leading fund management services. UIFIC was originally established in 2018, then in 2019, the bank was officially established in Washington. In the same year, UIFIC developed version 4.0 of Digital Banking, taking blockchain technology.

    Services & Products

    The core business line of UIFIC covers modern banking, customized banking services and professional commercial credit services. Its main business scope includes, commercial banking services, digital asset management and investment, financial management.

    Personal Banking Services

    With this companys person banking, clients can get customized wealth management solutions. UIFIC offers current account and savings account, supporting more than 80 mainstream currencies.

    Commercial Banking Services

    UIFIC designs a series of commercial products and solutions through strategic strategy to help enterprises manage daily operating budget, which is dominated by the needs of customers. Commercial banking services include customized commercial loan service and enterprise financing service.

    Digital Asset Management

    This part offers Encrypted debit card and Cryptocurrency lending, digital asset custody solutions, as well as token system.

    Commercial Banking Services

    This segment comprise hedge fund management, enterprise financial management, personal financial management and asset transaction and liquidity management.

    Brokerage Services

    UIFIC also offers brokerage services for forex exchange, stock index commodities, cryptocurrency.

    Customer Support

    The UIFIC customer support team can be reached through telephone, email, line, as well as WhatsApp.

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    more than one year
    This website is set to scam people, I can say. Once you made a deposit, you cannot withdraw them at all. Their terrible customer service even made you fall into the depth of despair.
    2023-03-02 10:45
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