Tiếng Việt
Bahasa Indonesia
Абстракт:As the G10 currency that performed the best in 2019, Canadian dollar may see a rather smooth horizontal trend this year partly because weakening domestic economy, and partly because the positive influence of easing trade tensions has been fading. CAD rose 5% against the USD in 2019, with nearly half of the increase gained in the last few weeks, benefiting as several other currencies from a reduce of risk factors at the end of 2019.
As the G10 currency that performed the best in 2019, Canadian dollar may see a rather smooth horizontal trend this year partly because weakening domestic economy, and partly because the positive influence of easing trade tensions has been fading. CAD rose 5% against the USD in 2019, with nearly half of the increase gained in the last few weeks, benefiting as several other currencies from a reduce of risk factors at the end of 2019.
Recently released data showed Canada‘s economy is slowing down, suggesting a great likelihood of interest rate cut from the central bank. The Bank of Canada had held interest rate at 1.75% unchanged last year, amid a wave of rate slash by major central banks like the US Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank. Statistics released in the recent few weeks show Canada’s economy shrank 0.1% in October, 2019, while November saw a decline of over 70,000 jobs. Canadas annualized growth based on the quarter-over-quarter rate of Q4 is estimated to be under 1%.
As risk factors will not significantly reduce in 2020, from a technical perspective, 1.3036 will be the pivot point for USD/CAD in the first half of 2020, and if the exchange rate remains above this level, USD may rise against CAD.
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Пресс-служба "Траста" сообщает, что банк непрофильных активов выставил на торги свои доли в некоторых российских рейтинговых агентстве.
Глава Счетной палаты считает, что новые системы защиты информации и частной жизни человека будут развиваться быстрыми темпами.
В новом отчете консалтинговой компании BCG сообщается, что российские банки оказались готовы к пандемии коронавируса гораздо лучше международных коллег.
Общая стоимость пакета экономической поддержки, что поможет восстановиться Евросоюзу от кризиса учинённого коронавирусом, может достичь суммы около 1,6 триллиона евро (1,7 триллиона долларов), сообщил глава промышленности ЕС Тьерри Бретон во вторник.