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Ringgit Surges Past RM4.14 Against USD

Ringgit Surges Past RM4.14 Against USD

The Malaysian ringgit continued its upward trajectory against the US dollar at the market's opening today, breaking past the RM4.14 level for the first time since November 2021.

Notizie 2024-09-25 17:22
NBI PH Rescues 84 Filipinos from Alleged Forex Trading Scam in Pampanga

NBI PH Rescues 84 Filipinos from Alleged Forex Trading Scam in Pampanga

NBI Philippines rescues 84 Filipinos in Pampanga, from a scam hub posing as a BPO allegedly involved in FXTM USDT Forex Trading. Authorities target cybercrime violations in the Philippines.

Esposizione 2024-09-25 17:03
CFTC Charges Four Unregistered Binary Options Firms in US

CFTC Charges Four Unregistered Binary Options Firms in US

CFTC charges four unregistered binary options firms, alleging false claims of regulation in the U.S. The enforcement action targets platforms dealing in crypto and derivatives.

Notizie 2024-09-25 17:01
XM's Limited-Time September Offer

XM's Limited-Time September Offer

XM, a reputable broker, announced an exclusive September offer. It will run from September 26 to October 3, 2024. You can earn cash prizes based on your ability or luck. You can practice your trading strategies and skills. This competition does not require any fees.

Notizie 2024-09-25 17:00
Webull Canada Launches Options Trading for Risk Management

Webull Canada Launches Options Trading for Risk Management

Webull Canada introduces options trading, providing Canadian investors with tools for risk management, hedging, and diversification strategies.

Notizie 2024-09-25 15:43
IG Securities Lowers Margin Rates on Turkish Lira Pairs

IG Securities Lowers Margin Rates on Turkish Lira Pairs

IG Securities, the Japanese arm of the prominent IG Group, has unveiled a significant adjustment to its margin rates for Turkish Lira (TRY) currency pairs. This move is designed to align with the current market conditions, offering traders more favorable terms.

Notizie 2024-09-25 14:41
eToro-DLT Collaborates to Enhance Crypto Trading

eToro-DLT Collaborates to Enhance Crypto Trading

A regulated well-known broker, eToro launched a new agreement with DLT Finance to provide crypto trading services to its German Users. eToro's German users can trade crypto assets using DLT Finance as their partner on the eToro platform in the coming weeks.

Notizie 2024-09-25 14:40
Visa Sued by DOJ for Antitrust Over Debit Swipe Fees

Visa Sued by DOJ for Antitrust Over Debit Swipe Fees

The DOJ has filed an antitrust lawsuit against Visa, accusing it of suppressing competition with high debit swipe fees, impacting merchants and consumers in the U.S.

Notizie 2024-09-25 14:32
Day Trading vs. Swing Trading: Choosing the Right Strategy for You

Day Trading vs. Swing Trading: Choosing the Right Strategy for You

Regarding trading in the forex market, two popular strategies often come to mind: day trading and swing trading. Each has unique advantages and disadvantages, making it essential to understand which approach best aligns with your risk tolerance and trading style.

Notizie 2024-09-25 13:45
5 Must-Know Bullish Candlestick Patterns for Traders

5 Must-Know Bullish Candlestick Patterns for Traders

Discover 5 must-know bullish candlestick patterns for traders, including hammer, bullish engulfing, and morning star doji, to predict stock market trend reversals.

Notizie 2024-09-25 12:25
Retiree Scammed of RM134,000 in Fraudulent Investment Scheme Promising 3,233% Returns

Retiree Scammed of RM134,000 in Fraudulent Investment Scheme Promising 3,233% Returns

A Malaysian retiree lost more than RM134,000 in savings after falling victim to a fraudulent investment scheme on Facebook that promised extraordinary returns of 3,233% in just six hours.

Notizie 2024-09-24 17:45
eToro Launches New Platform for DFM Stock Investments

eToro Launches New Platform for DFM Stock Investments

eToro’s new platform gives UAE investors easy access to top Dubai Financial Market stocks, providing a seamless way to diversify portfolios and tap into UAE growth.

Notizie 2024-09-24 17:30
RM463,792 Lost in WhatsApp Investment Scam Promising Guaranteed Profits

RM463,792 Lost in WhatsApp Investment Scam Promising Guaranteed Profits

A 65-year-old contractor from Pahang, Malaysia, recently fell victim to a WhatsApp investment scheme, losing RM463,792 of his life savings.

Notizie 2024-09-24 17:16
Oil Prices Rise Amid Chinese Stimulus and Middle East Tensions

Oil Prices Rise Amid Chinese Stimulus and Middle East Tensions

According to report, oil prices experienced a notable increase this week, with Brent crude climbing above $74 a barrel after a period of volatility.

Notizie 2024-09-24 17:12
NinjaTrader Fined $983K for Failing to Act Swiftly on Affected Fraudulent Accounts

NinjaTrader Fined $983K for Failing to Act Swiftly on Affected Fraudulent Accounts

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has penalized NinjaTrader Clearing, LLC (NTC) with a fine of $983,425 for failing to adequately supervise its employees in handling accounts tied to fraudulent activities.

Esposizione 2024-09-24 17:12
Australian Dollar Nears Annual Highs as Market Awaits Central Bank Decisions

Australian Dollar Nears Annual Highs as Market Awaits Central Bank Decisions

According to a report, the Australian dollar edged close to its highest point this year, trading at $0.6839 after a solid 0.45% increase.

Notizie 2024-09-24 17:08
Revolut Invest App Launches CFDs in Czech, Denmark, Greece

Revolut Invest App Launches CFDs in Czech, Denmark, Greece

Revolut Invest app launched in Czech, Denmark, and Greece, offering CFDs and other assets like stocks, ETFs, and bonds. Learn more about this exciting fintech move.

Notizie 2024-09-24 16:53
Tips on Becoming a Successful Indian Forex Trader

Tips on Becoming a Successful Indian Forex Trader

Forex trading presents a lucrative opportunity for investors, particularly in a growing market like India. However, success in this high-stakes environment requires more than just a basic understanding of currency movements. Here are essential tips to help you thrive as a Forex trader.

Notizie 2024-09-24 16:05
FXCM REVIEW: Is it your Friend or Foe?

FXCM REVIEW: Is it your Friend or Foe?

FXCM is a retail forex broker that was founded in 1999. The company is headquartered in London, UK, but has offices and affiliates in several other countries, including Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Hong Kong, Japan, South Africa, and the United States.

Notizie 2024-09-24 13:36
INFINOX Celebrates 15 Years as a Global CFD and FX Leader

INFINOX Celebrates 15 Years as a Global CFD and FX Leader

INFINOX celebrates 15 years of success as a global leader in CFD and Forex trading, expanding its reach and empowering traders through innovative multi-asset platforms.

Notizie 2024-09-24 10:55

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