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WikiFX Broker Assessment Series | Vantage: Is It Trustworthy?

WikiFX Broker Assessment Series | Vantage: Is It Trustworthy?

In this article, we will conduct a comprehensive examination of Vantage, delving into its key features, fees, safety measures, deposit and withdrawal options, trading platform, and customer service. WikiFX endeavours to provide you with the essential information required to make an informed decision about utilizing this platform.

Notizie 2024-10-02 16:53
Ripple Expands UAE Presence with Regulatory Approval for Blockchain Payments

Ripple Expands UAE Presence with Regulatory Approval for Blockchain Payments

Ripple, a leading blockchain network, has secured in-principle approval from the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) to launch its payment infrastructure across the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Notizie 2024-10-02 16:33
XTB Launches New Multi-Currency Card and IKE Retirement Accounts

XTB Launches New Multi-Currency Card and IKE Retirement Accounts

XTB's new multi-currency card and Individual Retirement Accounts (IKE) for Polish investors enhance financial flexibility and retirement savings.

Notizie 2024-10-02 16:10
Dukascopy Warns Public to Avoid Fraudulent Clone Websites

Dukascopy Warns Public to Avoid Fraudulent Clone Websites

Stay informed! Dukascopy alerts users to avoid fake websites and fraudulent clones abusing its data. Protect your financial security with this vital update.

Notizie 2024-10-02 13:51 Integrates TradingView Integrates TradingView integrates with TradingView, offering seamless trading of CFDs on forex and cryptocurrencies with advanced charting tools, enhancing broker connectivity.

Notizie 2024-10-02 12:21
How to Spot Financial Scams Before It Is Too Late

How to Spot Financial Scams Before It Is Too Late

The key to protecting yourself lies in spotting financial scams early and exercising caution. Understanding the warning signs can help you avoid disastrous financial consequences.

Notizie 2024-10-02 08:30
The Spread, the Swap, and the Slippage: Understanding the Hidden Costs from Your Broker

The Spread, the Swap, and the Slippage: Understanding the Hidden Costs from Your Broker

Hidden costs like spreads, swaps, and slippage can eat away at your profits if not managed carefully. Brokers often gloss over these costs, leaving traders unaware of their true impact. Understanding how these fees work is essential for any trader who wants to maintain profitability and avoid unnecessary losses.

Notizie 2024-10-02 08:00
Binance Launches Global Pre-Market Crypto Trading

Binance Launches Global Pre-Market Crypto Trading

Binance introduces global pre-market spot trading, giving users early access to Launchpool tokens ahead of official listings with standard spot trading fees.

Notizie 2024-10-01 18:04
HFM Clone: FCA Issues Warning

HFM Clone: FCA Issues Warning

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has issued a warning about a clone of the legitimate broker, HFM. This fraudulent entity is using the same name and branding as the genuine broker to deceive traders.

Notizie 2024-10-01 18:03
Robinhood Now Supports Crypto Transfers in the Europe

Robinhood Now Supports Crypto Transfers in the Europe

Robinhood now allows EU customers to transfer cryptocurrencies in and out of its app, broadening its digital asset services in Europe with self-custody options.

Notizie 2024-10-01 17:19
Top First Group: Suspected Scam Broker with Red Flags

Top First Group: Suspected Scam Broker with Red Flags

When entering the world of online trading, finding a legitimate broker is essential. However, fraudulent entities like Top First Group often target unsuspecting investors. It is suspected that this company operates under false pretences, drawing in traders with attractive promises but raising significant concerns.

Esposizione 2024-10-01 16:53
Malaysia SC Updates Investor Alert List for September

Malaysia SC Updates Investor Alert List for September

The Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) has issued an updated Investor Alert List for September, highlighting unauthorized websites, investment products, companies, and individuals involved in unregulated financial activities.

Notizie 2024-10-01 16:50
Malaysian Contractor Loses RM688K to Online Investment Scam

Malaysian Contractor Loses RM688K to Online Investment Scam

A 50-year-old contractor from Johor became the latest victim of an online investment scam, losing a staggering RM688,000 after being lured by an attractive scheme he discovered on Facebook. The scam, known as DFA, promised exceptionally high returns and involved an elaborate web of communication through social media and investment groups.

Notizie 2024-10-01 16:44
Exness Review: Is it the Right Broker for you?

Exness Review: Is it the Right Broker for you?

Exness is a leading forex broker founded in 2008 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The company is based in Cyprus and is regulated by the FCA of the UK, CYSEC of Cyprus, FSCA of South Africa, and FSA of Seychelles.

Notizie 2024-10-01 14:05
TD Securities Faces $15M Fine in Spoofing Scheme

TD Securities Faces $15M Fine in Spoofing Scheme

TD Securities was fined $15M for manipulating the U.S. Treasury market through an illegal spoofing strategy. SEC and DOJ impose penalties for broker-dealer failures.

Notizie 2024-10-01 13:36
SBI Holdings Invests in UBX for Digital Transformation

SBI Holdings Invests in UBX for Digital Transformation

Tokyo-based SBI Holdings partners with UBX to drive digital transformation in the Philippines, focusing on fintech innovation and market expansion.

Notizie 2024-10-01 12:47
Demo Accounts are Way More Important Than You Think

Demo Accounts are Way More Important Than You Think

This article highlights the importance of demo accounts in trading, emphasizing their role in helping traders practice strategies, build confidence, and understand market dynamics without risking real capital.

Notizie 2024-10-01 08:30
How Forex Brokers React to Global Events

How Forex Brokers React to Global Events

The foreign exchange (forex) market is a highly dynamic arena, where global events significantly shape market trends and prices. In this fast-paced environment, both traders and brokers must stay attuned to major economic indicators and geopolitical shifts. Key factors like interest rate decisions, employment reports, and political developments not only affect currency prices but also impact broker offerings, spreads, and volatility. Understanding how brokers respond to global events is crucial for traders aiming to navigate the market more effectively.

Notizie 2024-10-01 08:00
NORDFX Mega Super Lottery 2024

NORDFX Mega Super Lottery 2024

NORDFX is excited to announce its Mega Super Lottery 2024, with a staggering $1,000,000 prize pool. Register now.

Notizie 2024-09-30 19:49
Saxo Bank Closes Hong Kong and Shanghai, Focuses on Singapore Growth

Saxo Bank Closes Hong Kong and Shanghai, Focuses on Singapore Growth

Saxo Bank closes its Hong Kong and Shanghai offices, shifting focus to Singapore as geopolitical and business changes impact its strategy in the Asia-Pacific.

Notizie 2024-09-30 18:07

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