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Malaysian Police Arrest 6 in RM18 Million 'Kakaue' Cryptocurrency Scam

Malaysian Police Arrest 6 in RM18 Million 'Kakaue' Cryptocurrency Scam

Malaysian authorities have arrested six individuals in connection with the "Kakaue" cryptocurrency investment scam, which defrauded victims of an estimated RM18 million. The suspects, aged between 19 and 41, were apprehended during a series of nationwide raids conducted by the Bukit Aman Commercial Crime Bureau between 7-11th October 2024.

Notizie 2024-10-21 16:39
FlowBank Liquidators Urge Clients to Sell Securities for Faster Refunds

FlowBank Liquidators Urge Clients to Sell Securities for Faster Refunds

Walder Wyss, the Swiss law firm overseeing the liquidation of bankrupt neobank FlowBank, has encouraged former clients to sell their securities held in accounts to expedite the refund process. Clients are able to log in to the FlowBank platform and complete the sale of their securities until 15th November 2024, after which the platform will no longer facilitate such transactions

Notizie 2024-10-21 16:37
580K SGD Lost in an Online Investment Scam Advertised on Facebook

580K SGD Lost in an Online Investment Scam Advertised on Facebook

A 64-year-old Singaporean engineer has fallen victim to an elaborate online investment scam, losing S$580,000 (approximately $442,600).

Notizie 2024-10-21 16:34
Crypto Trader Turns $3K into $9M in 3 Days with GNON Token Success

Crypto Trader Turns $3K into $9M in 3 Days with GNON Token Success

A crypto trader transforms a $3,000 investment into $9 million in just 3 days with GNON, showcasing the wild potential of memecoins. Solana memecoin buzz surges.

Notizie 2024-10-21 16:12
Swissquote Launches US Congressional Trader in Themes Trading

Swissquote Launches US Congressional Trader in Themes Trading

Swissquote introduces the US Congressional Trader, providing insights into the stock trading activities of US congress members. Explore thematic investments with greater transparency.

Notizie 2024-10-21 15:07
Octa Announces Spreads Reduction During U.S. Presidential Election

Octa Announces Spreads Reduction During U.S. Presidential Election

Octa offers reduced spreads during the US election, helping traders capitalize on market volatility. From Oct 15 to Nov 15, enjoy lower costs on major indexes to boost profits.

Notizie 2024-10-21 14:02
Why the US Election Could Fuel Massive Forex Profits

Why the US Election Could Fuel Massive Forex Profits

The US election sparks forex trading opportunities. Trump's economic policies may increase volatility, offering potential gains for traders.

Notizie 2024-10-20 08:30
XM's Aid for Ternate Flood Victims

XM's Aid for Ternate Flood Victims

In the wake of the devastating floods that hit Ternate, XM, a leading online broker has stepped up to provide vital assistance to the affected communities. The company's humanitarian effort is a testament to its commitment to social responsibility and support for those in need.

Notizie 2024-10-20 08:00
Banxso’s License Suspended by South African Regulator Amid Client Risk Concerns

Banxso’s License Suspended by South African Regulator Amid Client Risk Concerns

South Africa’s Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) has suspended the license of the online trading platform, Banxso.

Notizie 2024-10-19 08:30
FINRA Fines Investment Network and CEO for Misconduct in Pre-IPO Offerings

FINRA Fines Investment Network and CEO for Misconduct in Pre-IPO Offerings

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) has imposed significant fines on Investment Network, Inc. (INI) and its CEO, Gary L. Arnold, for a series of regulatory violations connected to the sale of pre-initial public offering (pre-IPO) funds between October 2020 and May 2021.

Notizie 2024-10-19 08:00


XM, a well-known forex broker, is giving a special Unlimited Cashback campaign throughout the US election. The broker stated Earn $250 cashback on every 50 lots you trade with XM*—during US election volatility and beyond—plus a 100% deposit bonus of up to $500! The promotion launched on October 8 and will run until November 30, 2024. This "promotion" is not available for the clients of Honduras, Malawi, Lebanon, Denmark, or Uzbekistan.

Notizie 2024-10-18 18:12
$360 Million International Pig-Butchering Scam Busted in Hong Kong

$360 Million International Pig-Butchering Scam Busted in Hong Kong

Hong Kong’s law enforcement has successfully dismantled a large-scale pig-butchering scam operation, which had amassed HK$360 million through fraudulent online schemes within the span of a year.

Notizie 2024-10-18 17:53
XM Launches US Election Mega Competition with $100,000 in Prizes

XM Launches US Election Mega Competition with $100,000 in Prizes

Join XM's US Election Mega Competition from Oct 31 to Nov 14, 2024, for a chance to win a share of $100,000 in cash prizes by trading election market volatility.

Notizie 2024-10-18 17:17
Interstellar Group - Featured Broker in WikiFX SkyLine Guide

Interstellar Group - Featured Broker in WikiFX SkyLine Guide

In the rapidly evolving forex industry, WikiFX, as a leading global third-party information service platform, is dedicated to providing investors with the most reliable information services. To cater to the localized and personalized needs of investors in different regions, WikiFX has launched the SkyLine Guide, which first selected 25 outstanding brokers in Thailand. Additionally, WikiFX will release a series of related reports, with this article focusing on one of the featured brokers — Interstellar Group.

Notizie 2024-10-18 17:07
Robinhood Rolls Out Bitcoin and Ether Futures, New Trading Tools

Robinhood Rolls Out Bitcoin and Ether Futures, New Trading Tools

Robinhood expands into crypto futures, offering Bitcoin and Ether derivatives with advanced tools for active traders, targeting U.S. and EU markets amid regulatory challenges.

Notizie 2024-10-18 16:22
Extradition Decision for Terraform Labs Co-Founder Do Kwon Nears

Extradition Decision for Terraform Labs Co-Founder Do Kwon Nears

The legal proceedings surrounding Do Kwon, co-founder of Terraform Labs, are approaching a pivotal moment. According to reports from Montenegrin local media, the process of determining Kwon's extradition destination is in its final stages, with a decision anticipated by Sunday, October 19, 2024.

Notizie 2024-10-18 16:15
Binance Assists Delhi Police in the Recovery of 100,000 USDT from an Investment Scam

Binance Assists Delhi Police in the Recovery of 100,000 USDT from an Investment Scam

The Delhi Police, in collaboration with cryptocurrency exchange Binance, successfully dismantled a large-scale renewable energy scam orchestrated by M/s Goldcoat Solar. The operation led to multiple arrests and the recovery of over 100,000 USDT in digital assets.

Notizie 2024-10-18 16:07
Hong Kong Police Crack Down on $360M Romance Crypto Scam

Hong Kong Police Crack Down on $360M Romance Crypto Scam

Hong Kong police arrested 27 in a HK$360M crypto romance scam, exposing global fraud. Operation Secret Word is a major step in fighting cryptocurrency crime.

Notizie 2024-10-18 15:16
Victim Loses £165K in APP Scam Despite Revolut Security Features

Victim Loses £165K in APP Scam Despite Revolut Security Features

£165K stolen in an authorized push payment (APP) scam from a Revolut account in under an hour, highlighting concerns in digital banking security and fraud protection.

Notizie 2024-10-18 14:27
FxPro  US Election Special Offer

FxPro US Election Special Offer

Grab this special offer before it's too late. The CFD and Forex Broker, FX PRO is offering a thrilling chance to win $1,000,000 during the US election.

Notizie 2024-10-18 14:11

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