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US data slightly lower than expected, gold staged a"Deep v" rebound!

US data slightly lower than expected, gold staged a"Deep v" rebound!

Spot gold plunged to 2,504 after strong US economic data, but ended up 0.68 per cent after a “Deep v” rally as Powell hinted at the possibility that the Fed would cut interest rates in September, at $2,521.00 an ounce. Spot Silver ended up 1.15 per cent at $29.44.

Notizia 2024-08-30 09:17
Join GTCFX at JFEX 2024: Navigating the Future of Financial Markets

Join GTCFX at JFEX 2024: Navigating the Future of Financial Markets

GTCFX at JFEX 2024: Navigating the Future of Financial Markets

Notizia 2024-08-29 19:30
【MACRO Alert】Future Challenges and Opportunities, and New Trends in China's Oil Imports

【MACRO Alert】Future Challenges and Opportunities, and New Trends in China's Oil Imports

As the global economy gradually recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, the oil market needs to adapt to new energy demand patterns and the constantly changing international trade environment. Investors and analysts must closely monitor supply and demand changes, policy adjustments, technological progress, and environmental regulations to accurately grasp market trends. Looking forward, the global oil market will continue to evolve under the influence of various factors. Market participants should

Notizia 2024-08-29 14:33
The US dollar recorded its largest daily increase since June  High gold prices show signs of fatigue

The US dollar recorded its largest daily increase since June High gold prices show signs of fatigue

On Wednesday (August 28th), due to month end buying and technical trading, the US dollar index recorded its largest increase since June 3rd

Recensione 2024-08-29 14:16
Eye on Today’s U.S. GDP

Eye on Today’s U.S. GDP

Nvidia's highly anticipated earnings report was released yesterday, but despite the numbers beating market consensus, the performance lacked a "wow" factor for investors. As a result, the market seemed to have already priced in the earnings, leading to a decline in all three major indexes on Wall Street. Despite yesterday's technical correction, Nvidia's strong earnings suggest that the tech industry remains robust, with ongoing demand for Nvidia's chips potentially driving future gains

Notizia 2024-08-29 13:54
KVB Market Analysis | 29 August: Gold Price Recovers as Market Eyes US Rate Cuts and Geopolitical Tensions

KVB Market Analysis | 29 August: Gold Price Recovers as Market Eyes US Rate Cuts and Geopolitical Tensions

Gold prices (XAU/USD) rebounded on Thursday after dipping below $2,500 per ounce. Expectations of US interest rate cuts and ongoing political and geopolitical tensions are boosting demand for gold, as lower rates reduce the opportunity cost of holding the non-yielding metal.

Recensione 2024-08-29 10:56
Gold insurance defends 2500 barrier, Nvidia after the market fell 8% !

Gold insurance defends 2500 barrier, Nvidia after the market fell 8% !

Nvidia's revenue guidance was a mixed bag, dropping as much as 8% in after-hours trading. The company said on Wednesday that third-quarter revenue would be about $32.5 billion. It is working to address production hurdles for the much-anticipated next-generation Blackwell chip. It is working to address production hurdles for the much-anticipated next-generation Blackwell chip. Lower revenue led to investors continue to be bearish, Bearish Nvidia.

Notizia 2024-08-29 10:17
Economic Highlights Today

Economic Highlights Today

Marker Review | August 29, 2024

Recensione 2024-08-29 09:23
Insights into Today's Markets

Insights into Today's Markets

Market Review | August 29, 2024

Recensione 2024-08-29 09:05
Seminar on "What Should We Invest in college age?" by Coach Max and Coach Pokpak, held at Maejo University on Saturday, August 24, 2024

Seminar on "What Should We Invest in college age?" by Coach Max and Coach Pokpak, held at Maejo University on Saturday, August 24, 2024

On August 24, 2024, STARTRADER, in collaboration with Coach Max, the founder of Fiducenterz Investment Learning Institute, and Coach Pokpak Thanakrit, organized an academic seminar at Maejo University.

Notizia 2024-08-28 17:59
Global Market Volatility as Fed Rate Cuts Loom, Middle East Tensions, and Corporate Shakeups

Global Market Volatility as Fed Rate Cuts Loom, Middle East Tensions, and Corporate Shakeups

Federal Reserve Chair Powell confirms upcoming rate cuts, driving global market volatility and heightened investor focus on key earnings reports. Asian stocks drop as Nvidia's earnings loom, while Middle East tensions rise with Israel-Hezbollah skirmishes. Corporate sectors face challenges, from PDD Holdings' sharp stock drop to HSBC's planned management overhaul. Tech and energy markets remain in flux.

Notizia 2024-08-28 16:14
FXGT Sponsors Rescue Dog Betty

FXGT Sponsors Rescue Dog Betty

​FXGT is excited to announce a new partnership with Rescue P.A.W.S. in Thailand, marking a special celebration for International Dog Day. In a heartwarming move, FXGT has officially sponsored a dog named Betty, who is now a proud member of the FXGT family!

Notizia 2024-08-28 15:42
FXGT Grabs Spotlight as Official Partner for Major B2B Event: iFX Expo Asia 2024

FXGT Grabs Spotlight as Official Partner for Major B2B Event: iFX Expo Asia 2024

FXGT, an award-winning and globally recognized online CFD broker, announces its participation as a sponsor and Official Global Partner in iFX Expo Asia 2024, taking place in Bangkok, Thailand, from the 16th to 18th of September

Notizia 2024-08-28 15:09
【MACRO Insight】Safe-Haven Choices in the Financial Market - The Performance of Gold and Digital Currencies

【MACRO Insight】Safe-Haven Choices in the Financial Market - The Performance of Gold and Digital Currencies

In the current complex international situation and financial environment, gold and cryptocurrencies, as investment tools, each show unique characteristics and challenges. Gold continues to be favored as a safe-haven asset due to its historical value and stability, while cryptocurrencies are looking for their place in the financial system amidst volatility and regulatory uncertainty. As technology advances and the regulatory environment evolves, gold and cryptocurrencies may appear in new forms a

Recensione 2024-08-28 14:44
The US dollar is hovering at a one-year low  Gold continues to rise, with the possibility of breaking historical highs again

The US dollar is hovering at a one-year low Gold continues to rise, with the possibility of breaking historical highs again

On Tuesday (August 27th), driven by the prospect of an upcoming US interest rate cut

Recensione 2024-08-28 13:52
Eye on Today’s Nvidia Earning Report

Eye on Today’s Nvidia Earning Report

As the market searches for direction, most asset classes remained relatively flat in the last session, with investors waiting for a catalyst to drive momentum. On Wall Street, attention turns to Nvidia's earnings report, due later today. Expectations are high for strong earnings performance, which could potentially lift major indexes if results exceed forecasts.

Notizia 2024-08-28 13:36
Current Economic News

Current Economic News

Market Review | August 28, 2024

Recensione 2024-08-28 11:42
Today’s Market Analysis

Today’s Market Analysis

Market Review | August 28, 2024

Recensione 2024-08-28 11:32
KVB Market Analysis | 28 August: Yen Strengthens on BoJ Rate Hike Hints; USD/JPY Faces Uncertainty

KVB Market Analysis | 28 August: Yen Strengthens on BoJ Rate Hike Hints; USD/JPY Faces Uncertainty

The Japanese Yen rose 0.7% against the US Dollar after BoJ Governor Kazuo Ueda hinted at potential rate hikes. This coincided with a recovery in Asian markets, aided by stronger Chinese stocks. With the July FOMC minutes already pointing to a September rate cut, the US Dollar might edge higher into the weekend.

Recensione 2024-08-28 10:29
Today's foreign exchange market

Today's foreign exchange market

Gold prices advanced firmly during the North American session on Tuesday amid a risk-on environment and steady US Treasury yields. Investors ignored better-than-expected economic data from the United States (US), failing to underpin the already battered Greenback. The XAU/USD trades at $2,524 and gains over 0.20%.

Recensione 2024-08-28 09:19

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