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FPG Financial Markets Focus: September 24th, 2024

FPG Financial Markets Focus: September 24th, 2024

U.S. September Markit Manufacturing PMIhit a 15-month low and contracted for the third consecutive month. The growth rate of the services sector also slowed down.The Eurozone Purchasing Managers Index

Notizia 2024-09-24 12:45
【MACRO Alert】Post-Fed Rate Cut, Gold Prices Persist in Rallying While Market Divergence Deepens

【MACRO Alert】Post-Fed Rate Cut, Gold Prices Persist in Rallying While Market Divergence Deepens

Following the Federal Reserves rate cut, international gold prices have continued to shatter historical highs. On the 23rd, the New York COMEX gold benchmark contract peaked above $2,656 per ounce, on

Notizia 2024-09-24 11:58
Today's Top Financial News

Today's Top Financial News

  Market Overview   Recent releases from Europe, Britain, and the U.S. for the Flash Manufacturing and Services PMI show varying results across major markets:   1. Europe: French Manufacturing remai

Recensione 2024-09-24 11:57
Financial News: Today's Developments

Financial News: Today's Developments

  Market Overview   Recent releases from Europe, Britain, and the U.S. for the Flash Manufacturing and Services PMI show varying results across major markets:   1. Europe: French Manufacturing remai

Recensione 2024-09-24 11:54
KVB Market Analysis | 24 Sept: Gold Hits Record High Amid Fed Rate Cuts and Geopolitical Tensions

KVB Market Analysis | 24 Sept: Gold Hits Record High Amid Fed Rate Cuts and Geopolitical Tensions

Product: XAU/USDPrediction: IncreaseFundamental Analysis: Gold prices reached a record high on Monday due to rising expectations that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates significantly again, a

Recensione 2024-09-24 11:44
GTC Chief Analyst Jameel Ahmad on FRANCE24 | Fed Cuts Rates Significantly, Market Surprised as Gold

GTC Chief Analyst Jameel Ahmad on FRANCE24 | Fed Cuts Rates Significantly, Market Surprised as Gold

On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve unexpectedly lowered its benchmark interest rate by half a percentage point, exceeding market expectations and showcasing a proactive and aggressive move. GTC FX Chie

Notizia 2024-09-23 20:33
top wealth trading group introduction

top wealth trading group introduction

  Top Wealth Trading (TWT) Group is a leading global brokerage, quickly rising to prominence in the financial trading sector with its professional, reliable, and innovative services.  Based in Melbour

Notizia 2024-09-23 19:58
Wall Street Calm after Fed’s Rate Cut Rally

Wall Street Calm after Fed’s Rate Cut Rally

The U.S. dollar remains lacklustre, but support for the dollar index was found at near $100.60 level. My eyes are on the RBAs interest rate decision, which is due tomorrow with Hawkish expectations. B

Notizia 2024-09-23 13:51
 Weigh In on Today's News

Weigh In on Today's News

  Market Overview   Fed futures traders have priced in 75 bps in rate cuts by the end of this year and nearly 200 bps in cuts by December 2025, which would bring the Fed's policy rate to 2.75% by the

Recensione 2024-09-23 12:27
What's Moving Markets Today

What's Moving Markets Today

Market OverviewFed futures traders have priced in 75 bps in rate cuts by the end of this year and nearly 200 bps in cuts by December 2025, which would bring the Fed's policy rate to 2.75% by the end o

Recensione 2024-09-23 12:16
KVB Market Analysis | 23 September: Bitcoin's Bullish Breakout Driven by Key RSI Patterns

KVB Market Analysis | 23 September: Bitcoin's Bullish Breakout Driven by Key RSI Patterns

  Product: XAU/USD   Prediction: Increase   Fundamental Analysis:   XAUUSD have hit a record high, surpassing $2,600, driven by the Federal Reserve's rate cuts and Middle East tensions. Last week, t

Recensione 2024-09-23 10:29
Today's market analysis and strategy

Today's market analysis and strategy

  Gold prices climbed past $2,600, recording new all-time highs amid increasing speculation that the Federal Reserve (Fed) will continue to lower borrowing costs and heightened tensions between Israel

Recensione 2024-09-23 10:11
KVB Market Analysis | 20 September: Gold Surges as Fed Cuts Rates by 50 bps, Eyes $2,600 Mark

KVB Market Analysis | 20 September: Gold Surges as Fed Cuts Rates by 50 bps, Eyes $2,600 Mark

Product: XAU/USDPrediction: IncreaseFundamental Analysis:Gold prices advanced on Thursday after the Federal Reserve (Fed) embarked on an easing cycle with a 50-basis-point (bps) rate cut. Traders igno

Recensione 2024-09-20 15:11
Wall Street Rallies on Dovish Fed's Policy

Wall Street Rallies on Dovish Fed's Policy

Wall Street rallied after the market digested the dovish pivot of the Fed monetary policy. The U.S. dollar was hammered to a near recent low level as the dollar is weighing on the Fed rate cut eve

Notizia 2024-09-20 13:52
Understanding Today's News

Understanding Today's News

Market OverviewThe Federal Reserve's unexpected rate cut has sparked debate and concern among analysts and investors. While the Fed cited progress in inflation reduction as the reason for the cut, man

Recensione 2024-09-20 12:11
Financial Event Happening Now

Financial Event Happening Now

Market OverviewThe Federal Reserves unexpected rate cut has sparked debate and concern among analysts and investors. While the Fed cited progress in inflation reduction as the reason for the cut, many

Recensione 2024-09-20 12:11
Today's market analysis

Today's market analysis

  Gold prices advanced on Thursday after the Federal Reserve (Fed) embarked on an easing cycle with a 50-basis-point (bps) rate cut. Traders ignored the rise of US Treasury yields, which correlate inv

Recensione 2024-09-20 11:05
Fed’s Jumbo Rate Cut, Market Set To Rattle

Fed’s Jumbo Rate Cut, Market Set To Rattle

The Week Ahead: Week of 23 September (GMT+2)Feds Jumbo Rate Cut, Market Set To RattleMonday, 23 September 2024, 15:45US Manufacturing PMI (Sep) The SP Global US Manufacturing PMI was revised slightly

Notizia 2024-09-20 10:39
GTC Chief Analyst Jameel Ahmad Appears on FRANCE24 | Fed Prepares for First Rate Cut in Four Years

GTC Chief Analyst Jameel Ahmad Appears on FRANCE24 | Fed Prepares for First Rate Cut in Four Years

Summary: The Federal Reserve is expected to implement its first interest rate cut in four years, a decision that has captivated global markets and sparked debate over the scale of the cut. Jameel Ahma

Notizia 2024-09-19 20:48
AUS GLOBAL attended the party hosted by Donald J.Trump in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

AUS GLOBAL attended the party hosted by Donald J.Trump in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Embracing the U.S. ElectionAs the U.S. election season approaches, AUS GLOBAL was invited to attend a high-profile gala hosted by former U.S. President Donald J.Trump. The event took place on Septembe

Notizia 2024-09-19 15:23

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