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AUS GLOBAL Wins the “Most Popular Forex Broker” Award at Egypt’s Smart Vision Investment Summit 2024

AUS GLOBAL Wins the “Most Popular Forex Broker” Award at Egypt’s Smart Vision Investment Summit 2024

AUS GLOBAL is honored to have successfully participated in the Smart Vision Investment Summit – Egypt 2024, held from November 9-10, 2024, at the Nile Ritz-Carlton in Cairo. As a Diamond Sponsor, AUS

Notizia 2024-11-15 12:54
Quick Hits from Today's Markets

Quick Hits from Today's Markets

Market Overview On Thursday, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell indicated that there is no immediate urgency to reduce interest rates, citing robust economic conditions, a strong job mar

Recensione 2024-11-15 12:33
Today's Top Headlines

Today's Top Headlines

Market Overview On Thursday, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell indicated that there is no immediate urgency to reduce interest rates, citing robust economic conditions, a strong job mar

Recensione 2024-11-15 12:29
DBG Markets: Market Report for Nov 15, 2024

DBG Markets: Market Report for Nov 15, 2024

Market OverviewOn Thursday, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell indicated that there is no immediate urgency to reduce interest rates, citing robust economic conditions, a strong job market, and persi

Recensione 2024-11-15 11:40
Dollar Power! Set to Hold Strong with Quiet Data Ahead

Dollar Power! Set to Hold Strong with Quiet Data Ahead

Tuesday, 19 November 2024, 12:00Eurozone CPI (YoY) (Oct)In October, annual inflation in the Eurozone rose, with the preliminary Eurozone CPI reading climbing to 2% from 1.7% in September, according to

Notizia 2024-11-15 11:35
The U.S. index once stood at 107 points; gold hit a new low in nearly two months!

The U.S. index once stood at 107 points; gold hit a new low in nearly two months!

Hot spot trackingThe annual rate of U.S. PPI in October was 2.4%, higher than the expected 2.3%. The previous value was revised up from 1.8% to 1.9%. Bearish for the dollar.The number of people filing

Recensione 2024-11-15 11:13
KVB Market Analysis | 15 Nov: Aussie Dollar Declines Amid China's Economic Struggles

KVB Market Analysis | 15 Nov: Aussie Dollar Declines Amid China's Economic Struggles

Product: XAU/USD Prediction: Decrease Fundamental Analysis: Spot gold prices dropped again, hitting a two-month low during the session as the rising U.S. Dollar Index reached a yearly

Recensione 2024-11-15 10:49
Analysis of today's market

Analysis of today's market

On Thursday, gold remained below its opening price for the fifth consecutive day, suppressed by the dollar's fifth straight day of gains. A slightly hotter inflation report and solid employment data f

Notizia 2024-11-15 09:12
How Metal Trading Can Boost Your Portfolio

How Metal Trading Can Boost Your Portfolio

Today, trading has become a way not only to increase personal capital but also to open new opportunities for private and institutional investors. Indices, commodities, stocks, and cryptocurrencies are

Notizia 2024-11-14 16:40
What is PAMM?

What is PAMM?

What is PAMM?PAMM stands for Percentage Allocation Management Module. Its a type of managed forex account that allows investors to allocate their funds to a professional trader (also known as a PAMM m

Notizia 2024-11-14 16:28
DBG Markets: Market Report for Nov 14, 2024

DBG Markets: Market Report for Nov 14, 2024

Market OverviewCPI data from yesterday came out as forecasted, resulting to an appropriate change to the FED expectations for a rate cut from 60% yesterday to an 82.8% chance of a cut happening this D

Recensione 2024-11-14 13:44
Trump trade continues, US dollar rises on Wednesday  Gold may fall towards $2500

Trump trade continues, US dollar rises on Wednesday Gold may fall towards $2500

On Wednesday, due to the expected rebound of the US CPI in October, the US dollar index remained strong and unchanged, ultimately closing up 0.522% at 106.48, setting a new high for the year. The coll

Recensione 2024-11-14 13:36
Dollar Surge on High CPI

Dollar Surge on High CPI

U.S. CPI came higher than the previous reading and pushed the dollar higher. Wall Street rally halted as the market perceived a more restrictive policy from the Fed. Gold faced strong downside pressur

Notizia 2024-11-14 13:32
Major Financial Event Happening Now

Major Financial Event Happening Now

Market OverviewCPI data from yesterday came out as forecasted, resulting to an appropriate change to the FED expectations for a rate cut from 60% yesterday to an 82.8% chance of a cut happening this D

Recensione 2024-11-14 11:40
What to Watch Today

What to Watch Today

Market OverviewCPI data from yesterday came out as forecasted, resulting to an appropriate change to the FED expectations for a rate cut from 60% yesterday to an 82.8% chance of a cut happening this D

Recensione 2024-11-14 11:39
KVB Market Analysis | 14 Nov: US Dollar Strength Hits Gold: What's Next for XAU/USD

KVB Market Analysis | 14 Nov: US Dollar Strength Hits Gold: What's Next for XAU/USD

Product: XAU/USD Prediction: Decrease Fundamental Analysis: Spot gold closed down $25.39 on Wednesday, a 0.98% drop, ending at $2,572.64 per ounce. Gold prices fell sharply as the US d

Recensione 2024-11-14 10:29
The yield of US long-term treasury bond bonds rose, and the US dollar rose significantly on Tuesday

The yield of US long-term treasury bond bonds rose, and the US dollar rose significantly on Tuesday

On Tuesday, the US dollar index continued its upward trend, hitting a high of 106.182 during trading and ultimately closing up 0.404% at 105.93. The collective surge in US bond yields, with the benchm

Recensione 2024-11-13 19:28
Valetax Review: A Comprehensive Examination of Innovation, Excellence, and Global Reach

Valetax Review: A Comprehensive Examination of Innovation, Excellence, and Global Reach

The forex industry has always been a complex and competitive arena, requiring brokers to balance service excellence with technological innovation. Valetax has not only entered this market with confide

Recensione 2024-11-13 17:17
USD Index Once Broke Above the 106 Level; Gold Dropped to a Near Two-Month Low!

USD Index Once Broke Above the 106 Level; Gold Dropped to a Near Two-Month Low!

Hot spot trackingFed-Kashkari: Interest rate cuts may be paused if inflation rises unexpectedly before December. Bullish for USD.World Gold Council: Global gold ETFs are expected to decrease by US$809

Recensione 2024-11-13 14:51
Dollar Remain Firm Ahead of CPI

Dollar Remain Firm Ahead of CPI

The dollar index (DXY) reaches a new high ahead of the U.S. CPI reading. Wall Street Retreat as the Treasury yield continues to surge. The gold was weighed on the strengthening gold and reached its re

Notizia 2024-11-13 12:54

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