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Ikhtisar:Australian economy appeared sluggish in 2019. Stagnant wage growth and debts piling up have made consumers significantly reduced their spending, and though Reserve Bank of Australia had lowered the interest rate by 0.75% through 3 rate-slashes, private consumption remained low.
Australian economy appeared sluggish in 2019. Stagnant wage growth and debts piling up have made consumers significantly reduced their spending, and though Reserve Bank of Australia had lowered the interest rate by 0.75% through 3 rate-slashes, private consumption remained low. Government stimulus had hardly any help, and billions of tax refund went into savings rather than spending.
The weak economy is increasingly creating a headache for the country‘s Prime Minister Morison, while the raging wildfire recently will definitely weigh on Australian’s growth in the first quarter of 2020, particularly hurting economic activities in tourism, regional trade, housing construction and agricultural production. A conservative estimation is the fire will cause a loss worth of over 5 billion Australian dollars.
AUD/USD‘s target range for Q1, 2020 will fall between 0.66 and 0.71, while target for Q3 will likely be 0.70. Global trade volume continues to drop and economy remains weak, while forex price has been soft as well in 2019. All these will significantly affect Australia’s economy.
Meanwhile, the RBA is sticking to overall easing in its fiscal policies. Minutes of December‘s monetary policy meeting suggests that the policymakers will reassess the monetary policy to be taken after an economic outlook on February’s meeting, and there‘s a great possibility for further rate cuts. Market estimates there’s a 50% likelihood for RBA to lower interest rate, while more rate cuts may be coming in mid-year 2020; so AUD/USD is facing great pressure during the first half of the year.
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Inggris secara resmi telah meninggalkan Uni Eropa pada tanggal 31 Januari 2020, dan akan segera memulai negosiasi dengan Uni Eropa mengenai hubungan bilateral di masa depan.Hal ini diyakini bahwa Brexit akan menimbulkan dampak negatif pada Uni Eropa dalam berbagai aspek.
Data terakhir menunjukkan bahwa tingkat CPI kuartal keempat Australia adalah 1,8%, yang masih lebih rendah dari kisaran target jangka panjang RBA yaitu 2% -3%. Sejak 2017, inflasi Australia belum mencapai kisaran ini.
Pemilihan Inggris pada akhir 2019 diadakan dengan latar belakang kemerosotan ekonomi. Data terbaru menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi Inggris terhenti dan pasar tenaga kerja yang dulu kuat mulai melemah. Pada paruh pertama 2020, pound mungkin mulai menemukan jalannya dari ekonomi domestik, Bank Inggris dan anggaran Maret yang paling kritis. Selain itu, negosiasi Brexit hanya pada tahap awal, dan apakah kesepakatan perdagangan bebas akhirnya dapat dicapai juga penting.
Kami percaya bahwa dolar Kanada, yang merupakan mata uang G10 berkinerja terbaik tahun lalu, akan memasuki tren menyamping tahun ini, karena ekonomi domestik melemah dan pelonggaran ketegangan perdagangan baru-baru ini telah melemahkan dorongan. Dolar Kanada naik 5% terhadap dolar AS pada tahun 2019, sekitar setengahnya direalisasikan dalam beberapa minggu terakhir di akhir tahun Pada akhir tahun 2019, berbagai risiko telah melemah tajam, yang telah mendorong dolar Kanada dan beberapa mata uang lainnya.
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