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Bahasa Indonesia
Ikhtisar:Survey shows that the Swedish central bank may raise the negative interest rate to zero and become the only central bank to do so, though it’s not the first central bank to implement negative interest rates. This week's decision to raise interest rates may not be consistent with economic performance. Although the Swedish economy is not in a crisis, it is still slowing down.
Survey shows that the Swedish central bank may raise the negative interest rate to zero and become the only central bank to do so, though its not the first central bank to implement negative interest rates. This week's decision to raise interest rates may not be consistent with economic performance. Although the Swedish economy is not in a crisis, it is still slowing down.
Global economic growth has been sluggish throughout 2019, and most indicators point to a difficult fourth quarter. As inflation remains lower than the central bank's 2% target and the global outlook is also volatile, Riksbank is increasingly worried about the risks of downdraft that may arise from holding rates negative for too long. Housing price and borrowings have increased sharply, while investors are relying more on high-yielding assets, posing risks to the financial system.
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Masalah serupa berlaku untuk "survei pendirian," yang B.L.S. gunakan untuk mentabulasi angka pertumbuhan pekerjaan. Agensi mensurvei sekitar 145.000 bisnis dan agensi pemerintah tentang berapa banyak karyawan yang mereka miliki dalam daftar gaji.
Amerika Serikat mengalami keruntuhan yang tak terduga dalam aktivitas ekonominya. Itu yang kita tahu. Tetapi lebih dari itu bahkan dalam resesi normal, alat-alat yang harus kita pahami apa yang terjadi pada perekonomian menjadi terdistorsi atau lebih sulit untuk ditafsirkan, karena berbagai alasan.
Surplus perdagangan Jepang turun 99 persen di bulan Maret dari tahun sebelumnya karena masalah virus corona memukul ekspor ke mitra dagang utamanya, data resmi menunjukkan Senin.