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Ils disent 1% mais facturent 7% sur le retrait
3-5 ans
Articles originaux
They say 1% but charge 7% on withdrawal
This is incredible. After i got an account with plugins, where they manipulate prices against costumers; when i request the withdrawal they charged me 7% SEVEN PERCENT of the requested amount. This broker is a SCAM! You better be really careful when you deposit with them. When theres a problem they will never fix it, they will tell " im going to send to the right department " LOL they do this in each email you send to them it doesnt matter if its to support or compliance or documents theres always another 'right department' to forward your email and never solve your problem. theres some pictures of SUPERFOREX SCAM BROKER. Where you can clearly see on their web site the 1% on withdrawal. My withdrawal request with the amount i should receive and then my skrill account with the transaction missing 6% of the right amount. COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS AND UNPROFESSIONAL. SCAM BROKER SCAAAAM
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Impossible de rouler en Stop Loss
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Scam Platfrom
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