Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App
NSRC Impersonation Scams on the Rise in Malaysia

NSRC Impersonation Scams on the Rise in Malaysia

The article underscores the imperative for public vigilance against impersonation scams targeting bank customers, emphasizing the heightened risk posed by fraudulent calls from individuals masquerading as National Scam Response Centre officers.

News 2024-05-17 17:07
New Deceptive Scams: Preying on Fraud Victims

New Deceptive Scams: Preying on Fraud Victims

If you have been scammed before, you may be vulnerable to refund or recovery scams. These schemes promise to help you recover lost funds or the item you never received, but only after you pay an upfront fee. Beware of this scenario as this is a new deceptive scam lurking in the dark!

News 2024-05-17 17:03 Seeks to Cancel UK Subsidiary's FCA License Seeks to Cancel UK Subsidiary's FCA License has filed to cancel the FCA license for its UK branch, ICM Capital Limited, amidst financial struggles.

Exposure 2024-05-17 16:39
S2 WikiFX Demo Trading World Cup Wrapped Up

S2 WikiFX Demo Trading World Cup Wrapped Up

The S2 Simulated Trading World Cup and MT4 Trading Contest hosted by WikiFX successfully concluded on April 26, 2024 (Singapore Time, GMT+08:00).

News 2024-05-17 15:56
Asian Currencies Weaken Ahead of US Inflation Data

Asian Currencies Weaken Ahead of US Inflation Data

Anticipation Builds as Federal Reserve's Policy Stance Hangs on Inflation Figures.

News 2024-05-17 15:25
Tickmill Offers 3.5% Interest on Idle Brokerage Funds

Tickmill Offers 3.5% Interest on Idle Brokerage Funds

Tickmill's new service allows clients to earn up to 3.5% interest per year on idle funds in brokerage accounts.

News 2024-05-17 15:23


Nigerians' tenacity, dynamism, and inventiveness combined with effective government policy tools would help guide the nation away from the depression and uncontrollably high inflation brought on by the naira's depreciation between 2023 and 2024.

News 2024-05-17 15:17
Belgium’s FSMA Warns Against Fraudulent Trading Platforms

Belgium’s FSMA Warns Against Fraudulent Trading Platforms

The FSMA of Belgium alerts investors to the dangers of fraudulent trading platforms that promise quick returns but ultimately steal funds.

Exposure 2024-05-17 13:45
FCA Warns Against BTC TRADE

FCA Warns Against BTC TRADE

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) issued a warning against investing in BTC TRADE. The FCA highlighted that BTC TRADE is not authorized to operate in the UK, raising red flags for investors.

Exposure 2024-05-16 19:25
Italy's CONSOB Blocks Five Unauthorized Investment Sites

Italy's CONSOB Blocks Five Unauthorized Investment Sites

Italy's CONSOB has ordered the blocking of five investment websites for operating without authorization.

Exposure 2024-05-16 18:33
Risk Alert

Risk Alert

“The broker suddenly stopped withdrawals without a reason." It’s an excerpt from the complainant’s complaint. The complainant is from India and filed a complaint on May 14, 2024, against One Ozo regarding the fraud which happened to him.

Exposure 2024-05-16 18:00
WikiFX Broker Assessment Series | Moomoo: Is It Trustworthy?

WikiFX Broker Assessment Series | Moomoo: Is It Trustworthy?

In this article, we will conduct a comprehensive examination of Moomoo, delving into its key features, fees, safety measures, deposit and withdrawal options, trading platform, and customer service. WikiFX endeavours to provide you with the essential information required to make an informed decision about utilizing this platform.

Exposure 2024-05-16 17:39
Finalto Launches New Office In Singapore

Finalto Launches New Office In Singapore

Finalto Asia Pte Ltd recently revealed the shift to a new office at 79 Anson Road UE BizHub in Singapore. The broker stated on its official website that This expansion underscores Finalto’s commitment to strengthening its presence in Asia and its dedication to being a truly global financial services provider.

News 2024-05-16 17:22
Forex STP Trading Model, Essential for Novices and Veterans Alike

Forex STP Trading Model, Essential for Novices and Veterans Alike

Whether you are a newcomer or a seasoned player in the forex market, it's crucial to understand the STP trading model. You'll notice that even slightly more reputable forex brokers emphasize the advantages of this model on their platforms. For experienced traders, selecting an investment platform naturally leads to choosing an STP model forex platform because it's currently the best and most widely used trading model. With that said, what exactly does the STP model entail?

News 2024-05-16 16:34
ASIC restricts three listed companies from issuing a reduced-content prospectus

ASIC restricts three listed companies from issuing a reduced-content prospectus

ASIC has imposed restrictions on XTC Lithium Limited (XTC), My Rewards International Limited (MRI), and Range International Limited (RAN) after their failure to fulfill reporting obligations as per regulatory requirements. These restrictions prohibit the companies from issuing a reduced-content prospectus for a period of 12 months.

Exposure 2024-05-16 16:22 Fined $50k for Regulatory Violations Fined $50k for Regulatory Violations settles with NFA, agrees to pay $50k fine for not meeting financial reporting standards.

Exposure 2024-05-16 16:20
Malaysian Retiree Scammed Out of RM620,000

Malaysian Retiree Scammed Out of RM620,000

A 56-year-old retiree from Johor (Malaysia) has been swindled out of nearly RM620,000 by an investment scam purportedly based in Cyprus.

News 2024-05-16 16:05
UK May Push More Reforms on Financial Regulators

UK May Push More Reforms on Financial Regulators

The UK government may implement further reforms to prioritize growth in the finance industry, amid ongoing regulatory tensions.

News 2024-05-16 15:15
Taurex Launches Innovative Trading App for All Levels of Traders

Taurex Launches Innovative Trading App for All Levels of Traders

Taurex introduces a new trading app offering over 1,500 CFDs, robust risk management, and global 24/5 support.

News 2024-05-16 13:54


Established in 2023 in Saint Lucia, Phoenix FX Limited offers a suite of Forex and CFD trading options without regulatory backing. Appealing to a various trading community, it provides access to multiple markets, including forex, indices, commodities, cryptocurrencies, and stocks.

Exposure 2024-05-15 20:32
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