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4 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw


In June 2017, the broker 1000extra contacted me through a call offering me advice and managing my account through a supposed advisor. That is how they appointed me an advisor named Fernando Colin who called me every day supposedly to teach me how to invest in the stock market, telling me about many numbers of profits in the market since he managed accounts of several people giving him profits. That's how I started with them to invest since they worked with fundamental news such as the unemployment rate in the United States, the agricultural payrolls. Whenever this type of news came out, they would not be able to take an order by recording the day before so that my advisor would do it in my place. My advisor offered me a return of 20% of profits with that operation, so I started with 1,000 dollars and later increased it to 5,000 dollars with a promissory note of 4,000 pesos, that was all my capital that I had. But my advisor always told me to increase my account more in order to have higher profits. Thus, on a market news date, he told me to increase my account, of which I had no more capital to invest. At that moment, he told me that if I had no more capital than the broker, he would lend me with his famous promissory notes, which are loans that they give you, but in 7 days you have to pay off that supposed loan. It was like that that he offered me 50,000 dollars, which I told him that Hera had a lot of money that he could not repay that money, then he told me for 25,000, I did not accept him either, of which he told me that he was going to consult with the area of ​​​​loans that how much Hera spent the minimum 2 minutes and he told me that he had made the possible amount of 12,500 dollars, of which he spoke very well that he was going to help me with time to be able to pay that promissory note that he would lend me money and that in a week he would return it Making the withdrawal of my bill. It was so that I took that loan of course that the next day the profits were there but I had to cancel that loan to be able to withdraw it, I could not take my capital or my profits to be able to cancel it only with cash deposits. It was so that I had to lend myself money to be able to pay it, it took me more than 7 days because it was not easy to get it and on her part Hera put a lot of pressure on me, she told me in the emails that if I don't cancel as soon as possible they would cancel my account. So with a lot of effort I canceled it, they were with bank deposits in parts, the first ones were reflected on the platform, but the last deposit took a long time to be reflected, then when it was already reflected, he told me that since I spent the estimated time in a promissory note clause, he said that I had to make operations for the amount borrowed for a week. This is how my advisor told me why I didn't know anything about the market which trades to open and that was where the losses started, despite the fact that I questioned him about the trades that were negative, he told me not to worry that the market would recover later. It was there that I lost all my capital. Unfortunately I couldn't do anything about it because he managed my account. When all my capital was lost I asked him for an explanation, then he contacted me by phone asking for forgiveness since the market went against me and if I wanted to recover my capital I had to deposit more money and if I didn't have it he would give me a loan for 30,000 Dollars. Of which it was to return to the same thing that I had to pay off that loan first to be able to withdraw it is where I decided to leave it there. Look for information on the internet and I saw that I was not the only one if there were not a lot of victims of this broker that until now continue to scam more people but with another name. It was a tough experience.

Peru Peru 2022-07-25 09:17
Peru Peru 2022-07-25 09:17

Induced fraud

They didn't give me my withdrawals and then they closed my account

Peru Peru 2021-02-04 07:42
Peru Peru 2021-02-04 07:42
Severe Slippage


He pursuaded me to invest $500 this September. I just traded several tiners and my positions were wiped out in 15 days. The he never replied to me. He is Enzo Marrone...

Mexico Mexico 2020-11-21 19:25
Mexico Mexico 2020-11-21 19:25


Hi, WikiFX. Experience: I deposited $200 into 1000EXTRA . One week later, the consultant asked me to borrow a loan to trade XAU/USD, which I refused. Since I needed to return the $3800loan in 8 days, i.e., June 18th, whatever gains or losses. I wanted to make a withdrawal, while 1000EXTRA refused and asked for a margin. What should I do?

Colombia Colombia 2020-06-20 00:03
Colombia Colombia 2020-06-20 00:03
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