Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App

11 pieces of exposure in total


UAG broker and eureka are both scammers

UAG broker and eureka master scan clients with estimated millions of dollars. we were scammed on the night of January 26, 2022. and this is pure scammer

Indonesia Indonesia 2022-02-19 03:00
Indonesia Indonesia 2022-02-19 03:00

Uag scamed us by wiping out our accounts

Uag broker and a master trader eruka both scamed us by manipulated gold figures.Eruka open trades and he continued trades until our whole account wiped out.Uag broker and that eruka name master trader both scamed us

Pakistan Pakistan 2022-01-27 04:03
Pakistan Pakistan 2022-01-27 04:03
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

I've waited for my withdrawal for a long time

Thailand Thailand 2021-03-18 18:13
Thailand Thailand 2021-03-18 18:13
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

I couldn’t withdraw my fund as usual.

Thailand Thailand 2020-03-07 11:39
Thailand Thailand 2020-03-07 11:39
Unable to Withdraw

Thantaporn pakanam

The withdrawal of $7500 applied in last October is yet to be received.

Thailand Thailand 2020-03-04 22:17
Thailand Thailand 2020-03-04 22:17
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

The withdrawal is unavailable. LP transferred the fund on Jan. 31st and cliamed taht I couldn't withdraw fund repeatedly.

Thailand Thailand 2020-02-01 14:55
Thailand Thailand 2020-02-01 14:55
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdraw in scam platform

Thailand Thailand 2019-12-10 09:19
Thailand Thailand 2019-12-10 09:19
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw in UAG

The withdrawal is unavailable for months.

Thailand Thailand 2019-12-07 16:19
Thailand Thailand 2019-12-07 16:19

Unable to withdraw

Unable to withdraw. LP is said to abscond.

Thailand Thailand 2019-12-06 15:00
Thailand Thailand 2019-12-06 15:00
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

The withdrawal has been unavailable for 6 months.My account has been canceled.

Thailand Thailand 2019-11-27 00:04
Thailand Thailand 2019-11-27 00:04

UAG Thailang

No money to pay, Broker Cheat

Thailand Thailand 2019-10-31 11:02
Thailand Thailand 2019-10-31 11:02
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