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96 pieces of exposure in total


Cheating during maintenance

The time of announcement for maintenance to customers is 2/1. Today, January 4, there was an unexpected maintenance that prevented me from entering the market to close orders and add necessary orders to the account, and causing danger to the account.

Vietnam Vietnam 2022-01-05
Vietnam Vietnam 2022-01-05

LiteForex is scam

The availability of the service is very bad, I decided to get into this broker. I placed $ 5529, there are the operations that I carry out and all they did was discount my board and no profits, they have robbed me

Venezuela Venezuela 2022-01-04
Venezuela Venezuela 2022-01-04
Severe Slippage

Candles run wrong, cheating

Candles run at the wrong market price, slips a lot. The platform holds orders. Gold price in the morning of December 17, 2021

Vietnam Vietnam 2021-12-17
Vietnam Vietnam 2021-12-17

False stop loss

When trading Bitcoin on LiteForex, 99% stop loss orders range from a few percent to dozens percent. I have sent pictures of some orders in the last few days. Reported the support upstairs but did not reply.

Vietnam Vietnam 2021-11-20
Vietnam Vietnam 2021-11-20

The exchange arbitrarily cancels the client's trading results

I run the robot to beat the time frame on the side and see that I have a profit. The broker arbitrarily canceled his profit results and blamed me for stepping on the price difference. Then make a policy not to trade in the time frame between 0:00 and 6:00. The publicly traded market quotes are transparent, and whoever cheats is something to be trampled on. Although I started trading at 23h, it was not within the time frame reported there. The business floor is messy. Lack of reason. Arbitrarily interfere with the results of customer trading instructions.

Vietnam Vietnam 2021-11-17
Vietnam Vietnam 2021-11-17

Impose an unwarranted deduction from a customer's account.

My account was deducted by the fraud platform, which is not in line with the law and there is no clear explanation. Please suggested some suitable broker.

Vietnam Vietnam 2021-11-03
Vietnam Vietnam 2021-11-03

still havent receive my withdrawal

i requested for withdrawal and its already has been deducted from my account. But yet its still havent reflected in my bank account. Furthermore, i've already contact their customer service but they told me to wait. it has been more than 2 weeks....

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-27
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-27
Severe Slippage

severe slippage

i dont know whats wrong or what happened. yesterday i was floating my position just fine with a margin above 100%. yet when i checked my account the next day, all position was closed. i checked other brokers but the price arent the same.

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-26
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-26
Severe Slippage


all my trades closed automatically! my margins were perfectly fine and capable of floating. my leverage is the highest too! they purposely stopped out my account!

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-11
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-11

The exchange deducts money from the account

The exchange deducts money from my MT4 account. Lock does not allow me to withdraw money. The reason given is due to lag, not acceptable. Why don't you add the money back to me when trading at a loss. Profit trading, deduct money from my account.

Vietnam Vietnam 2021-09-09
Vietnam Vietnam 2021-09-09
Severe Slippage

Complaint about order interruption

The customer ordered stop loss at 1792.20 but the exchange broke the order at 1789.29.

Vietnam Vietnam 2021-08-07
Vietnam Vietnam 2021-08-07


It has been alleged by a client that liteforex cancelled all his profits and removed half of the deposits from his account.

Bangladesh Bangladesh 2021-08-05
Bangladesh Bangladesh 2021-08-05

Complain received against liteforex.

A client has complained liteforex charge very high fees on withdrawal and they are very greedy.

Bangladesh Bangladesh 2021-07-02
Bangladesh Bangladesh 2021-07-02


Hello, I am a trader from Vietnam. My account information: dangxoa0291@gmail.commt4: 608460. I started to join the "Bring Friends" program on November 25, 2020 and use the promo code to get a 100% deposit bonus. I deposited $1000 on 11/26/2020 and received a $1000 bonus. By 12/21/2020 I lost all my money and bonus. On February 17, 2021, I deposited $2,000 and received a 20% bonus of $400 to your account. This bonus amount can be used as real money in any transaction, provided that LiteForex Vietnam provides 30%, 20% and 10% bonuses for the program. On April 14, 2021, the deposit is USD 1,000, and a 10% bonus will be awarded in the amount of USD 100. 19/04/2021 Deposit is 1078$ and get 10% bonus, the amount is 107$. 04/20/2020 The deposit is 1980 and get a 10% bonus in the amount of 198 USD. 23/04/2021 Deposit is 2000 USD and get 20% bonus, the amount is 400 USD. 26/04/2021 Deposit 5000$ and get 30% bonus, the amount is 1500$. 11/05/2021 Deposit is 2500 USD and get 20% bonus, the amount is 500 USD. On May 18, 2021, the total amount in mt4 608460 is 14,964 USD in real currency and 3220 USD in bonus. On that day, my account was a margin call. The bonus can be used as real money, but it is not as effective as the terms and conditions provided by LiteForex Vietnam.

Vietnam Vietnam 2021-06-02
Vietnam Vietnam 2021-06-02
Unable to Withdraw

Can' withdraw due to card validation failed

This broker lets you deposit but they won't let you withdraw what you have have deposited in this broker, if you use debit card they just insisting that you upload the picture of your card and the card statement. Their live chat is also not responding!Fix your system about withdrawal so you can recruit more clients if you don't want your client to go for other reliable brokers!

Philippines Philippines 2021-05-23
Philippines Philippines 2021-05-23


On May 4th, I purchased 450 shares of Allianz. Before buying, I asked and confirmed that the reserve price will pay for stocks purchased 2 days before the dividend date. The dividend payment date is 06/05, and 10/05 is the payment date. On May 12, the exchange sent a message that the ground floor changed the method of paying dividends and only paid for stocks bought 3 days in advance. Then use this excuse not to pay dividends to investors

Vietnam Vietnam 2021-05-20
Vietnam Vietnam 2021-05-20

Give adverse recommendations

I purchased Allianz shares from May 3rd to May 4th. The dividend date is May 6th and the settlement date is May 10th. However, as of 15:15 on May 11th, I have not received any dividends. The introducing broker must keep the stock until the dividend is received. I had to lose my account and lost 550 shares of more than 4 euros. The transaction called margin resulted in the loss of this investment. I have contacted many departments, but no one is responsible for the specific instructions. I just sent messages to this person and another person and couldn't handle it.

Vietnam Vietnam 2021-05-11
Vietnam Vietnam 2021-05-11

After deducting the fees, my account becomes negative.

In the past, my trading account was negative, totaling 69k. After many refill transactions, I made a profit. And when drawing. Subtract the amount before resetting the account to 0 for me. [d83d][de02] [d83d][de02] [d83d][de02].

Vietnam Vietnam 2021-04-17
Vietnam Vietnam 2021-04-17

Fale bonus

Give fake bonus to increase equity and when you use broker equity even 64$ its take its bouns and wash account

Pakistan Pakistan 2021-04-03
Pakistan Pakistan 2021-04-03

Stop out scam and fabrication figures

They would do anything and fabricate anything to justify their actions. First they said my account balance was about $7500 when I challenged there figures with manual calculations they said no its $7425.57 and now after calculating my balance manually i released that my balance was $7592.62, are just co-operate internet fraudsters.

Nigeria Nigeria 2021-04-01
Nigeria Nigeria 2021-04-01
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