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Unable to Withdraw

All funds withheld

On December 29, I was asked to pay a 40% share of NT$1.5 million. After I paid it, on January 2, they said it was frozen by the Financial Supervisory Commission and asked me to pay another NT$1 million. I have already paid it, and still can’t withdraw the money. Aden Markets DOO, a manager Lin contacted me.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2024-01-11 16:17
 Taiwan Taiwan 2024-01-11 16:17
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw funds. Manager Lin, the broker in Taiwan, asked me to pay a deposit, but I complained. He said he could withdraw the money if I dropped the complaint. But now I still can’t withdraw money, it’s a scam.

Manager Lin, Taiwan Service Provider of AdenMarkets Doo: Withdrawal of the dividends will be made on December 7th. The withdrawal was refused on December 8 because the capital account was frozen. It’s Suspected of money laundering. First, the corresponding deposit can be withdrawn immediately. Second, you can withdraw cash after the supervisory bureau investigates and confirms that there is no money laundering in the account (about 1-3 months). On December 20, AdenMarkets Doo Manager Lin said that cash withdrawals could be made and the capital account confirmed that there was no money laundering involved. He also said I need to pay a deposit of 15%, then I can withdraw. I don’t understand why I need to pay a deposit before withdrawing money even if my account is restored. Then I didn’t pay the deposit. Just in the past two days, Manager Lin came to me again and asked me to withdraw the complaint so that I could withdraw the money. I followed what he said and withdrew the complaint. On January 7, 2024, I did what he said, and he said that the funds could be credited to my account before noon on Tuesday at the latest. Yesterday, I was asked to send emails to three mailboxes respectively, saying that the problem had been solved. And then he told me that the account would be credited today, January 9th. As a result, I sent a message to Manager Lin today but received no response. The withdrawal issue has not been resolved. I was defrauded of NT$3.2 million, causing me to be pursued by underground banks!

 Taiwan Taiwan 2024-01-09 21:34
 Taiwan Taiwan 2024-01-09 21:34

Unable to withdraw money (the service provider’s broker requires a margin)

After paying the dividend on December 7, the cash withdrawal was refused. On December 8, the cash withdrawal was refused. It was said that the capital account was frozen (the reason was suspected of involving money laundering). The corresponding deposit was immediately withdrawn from the account. The second supervisory bureau investigation confirmed that the account was empty. Money laundering can be withdrawn (about 1-3 months). Yesterday, December 20, AdenMarkets Doo Manager Lin said that cash can be withdrawn. The capital account has been confirmed to be free of money laundering. Now you need to pay a deposit of 15% before you can withdraw. I don’t understand why I need to pay a deposit before I can withdraw money even if my account is restored.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-12-28 12:15
 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-12-28 12:15

Unable to withdraw money (the service provider requires a deposit)

After paying the dividend on December 7, the cash withdrawal was refused. On December 8, the cash withdrawal was refused. It was said that the capital account was frozen (the reason was suspected of involving money laundering). The corresponding deposit was immediately withdrawn from the account. The second supervisory bureau investigation confirmed that the account was empty. Money laundering activities can be withdrawn (about 1-3 months). Yesterday, December 20, AdenMarkets Doo Manager Lin said that cash withdrawals can be made. The capital account confirmed that there is no money laundering activity involved (now a deposit of 15% is required. It can be withdrawn. Do you know why even if you restore your account, you still need to pay a deposit before you can withdraw it?

 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-12-21 22:34
 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-12-21 22:34
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