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After receiving the investment in soaring stocks, the total loss in foreign exchange was nearly 10 million!
In order to receive the hot stocks on FB, link to the FB message called "Eagle Spreading Wings". Then I joined his line and met an investment consultant who called himself Guo Zhenrong. Later, his assistant Misia invited me to join the Baoxin Investment Consulting elite team group. Teacher Guo proposed a compound interest plan to help the world. The cooperative foreign exchange platform is Vistova. Manager Chen is responsible for fund supervision and deposits and withdrawals, using MT5 as the order platform. It advertises the operation of crude oil and gold CFD contracts, claiming that it can make amazing profits, so I started this plan. It is also emphasized that those who participate in the operation are exempted from the commission for the first half month, and after half a month, they must pay the feedback commission according to the fund level, so as to attract the group members to invest more funds in the short term. I increased my bet to 5.1 million within 5 days. After the operation date, I applied to withdraw US$30,000, which is equivalent to about NT$960,000, but only NT$300,000 was withdrawn. I thought it was strange and asked Teacher Guo and Manager Chen what was wrong, because it was the first time to withdraw money. I didn't dare to be too arrogant and refused to withdraw money, so I made a top-up of NT$960,000. I successively withdrawn a total of about NT$1.7 million. However, the amount withdrawn is not recorded in one lump sum, but is split into 300,000 each, which makes it feel weirder! Therefore, I want to withdraw the remaining principal of NT$3.4 million first, and only keep the profit part to continue the operation. Moreover, Teacher Guo emphasized that it is up to the individual to decide how much money he wants to withdraw, and he will definitely be able to withdraw it without any problems. Unexpectedly, Manager Chen told me that my account was suspected of being involved in money laundering and had been frozen and could not be withdrawn. I had to pay one-half of the principal, about 2.5 million, as a deposit before I could withdraw it! I was determined not to pay any more funds, and the two sides were in a stalemate. Finally, Manager Chen told me: The Financial Supervisory Commission issued a list of abnormal accounts to clear. I was frightened and quickly made up 2.5 million, but then they kept giving various excuses to prevent me from withdrawing money. I realized it's a scam.
The platform does not give withdrawal for various reasons, including a series of tactics from stocks to foreign exchange.
Vistova teamed up with Baoxin Investment Consulting to defraud money and refused to give out money for various reasons. She joined Baoxin Investment Consulting by chance on the Internet. First, she joined a group to promote stocks and paid a membership fee of 10,000 yuan. At first, all the stocks she gave were profitable, and later They all lost money, and the loss reached 110,000. They said that the stock market was not easy to change and they went to gold and crude oil, and the loss of 110,000 could be made up for. I was asked to open an account at Vistova to store value. I initially deposited 200,000 in value and then followed up. Later, I kept asking for more funds. Because I wanted to add a large amount of 2 million, I wanted to try to withdraw it, but I couldn't withdraw it. The website also turned into a scam website that day. Although the website was restored later, the same excuse said that I had to pay the share first and blacklisted me. I paid more than 50,000 yuan in dividends but they still refused to collect it. I was delayed and said that I would have to wait until after Christmas or New Year’s Day. Vistova customer service manager Chen canceled my LINE platform website and I couldn’t access it. I asked the group what happened, Lian Bao Xin Tou Gu also quit my group, and the website became a scam website again. Someone should have reported it to the police. I told my assistant that I would go to the police if he didn’t withdraw the money for me. She also deliberately choked me and asked me to go to the police. But she wouldn’t withdraw the money for me. There are currently 31,914 US dollars (about NT$1 million) in it, which cannot be withdrawn.
vistova and Baoxin investment advisors have teamed up for a scam!
I was on FB in September to receive the soaring stock, linked to the FB message called "Eagle Spread Wings". Afterward, I joined his line and got to know the investment advisor teacher who called himself Guo Zhenrong, and then Misia, the assistant, invited me to join the Baoxin investment advisor elite team group. At first, I traded Taiwan stocks, but the performance was not good. Later, Mr. Kuo put forward a plan to cooperate with the forex platform Vistova, by the manager, Chen, is responsible for funds supervision and withdrawal of the deposit of gold matters, to MT5 for the order platform. Labeled crude oil and gold CFDs, claiming to double or even several times dozens of times the profits. At the end of October and the beginning of November began to operate the program. He emphasized that in the first half of the month participants free share, half a month after the level of funds to pay according to the share, to attract the group of friends short-term investment in more funds. I increased the code to 5.1 million in 5 days. On November 1, I remitted 44,210 U.S. dollars, three remittances. When the NT $ 5.15 million was remittance, the other side told us to use the platform provided to apply for a personal account, and according to the remittance of additional deposits into the account, withdraw from the account to withdraw. Followed the operation a few times on the account and also made a profit of about 1 million dollars. I applied for a withdrawal of 30,000 US dollars, equivalent to about 960,000 Taiwan dollars, but only 300,000 Taiwan dollars were withdrawn. I felt very strange and asked Mr. Kuo and Manager Chen what happened. Since it was the first time I withdrew the money, I was able to get the full amount of NT$960,000 later on. The total amount I withdrew was about NT$1.7 million. However, the amount of withdrawals was not credited in a single installment, but was split into 300,000 dollars each, all cash deposits, the more I felt strange! Therefore, I would like to withdraw the full amount first, if the withdrawal is successful in the re-storage operation to ensure the safety of the funds. Mr. Guo emphasized how much he wanted to withdraw the amount of personal freedom, you can withdraw the amount will not be a problem. Unexpectedly on November 9, Chen told me that my account suspected of being involved in money laundering was frozen and could not be withdrawn, I must pay one-half of the principal amount of about 2.5 million as a deposit, only to let the withdrawal! I am firmly unwilling to pay funds, the two sides stalemate, and finally, Manager Chen told me that the FSC will issue an abnormal account zero list... In the process of applying for the full amount of withdrawals, Huang Meili (later found to she a fraud accomplice) also said that she applied for the full amount of withdrawals, but the same account was frozen to pay another deposit of 2.5 million square can be withdrawn, and then coordinated, as long as 1 million. She borrowed 1 million to pay and will be frozen account all the funds, including 1 million deposit, including one-time withdrawals out. She also posted a notice of withdrawal of more than 6.11 million into her account for me to see. She tried to convince me to make some more payments and withdraw the full amount as well. I sensed that she was an accomplice to the scam and firmly refused to pay anymore! In the process of coordinating to get back the funds, Zhenrongline said he would send his account for me to the company as a guarantee, as long as I take me to operate three more times can be successfully withdrawn from the gold, but also said that if you can not withdraw the gold, he wants to remit to me 20 million to show good faith (the world's funniest jokes!) But this time the operation is required to pay a share, this is the company regulations. I said that I wait for three operations, and then pay three times the share of the gold, Guo Zhenrong said that can not be operated once to pay a share of the operating account can not be deducted from the operating account share, and must be paid in addition to can, of course, I firmly do not agree, but also because I insisted on the end, and they can not induce me to pay into any dime! Fraudulent criminals, disgraceful!
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