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They keep insisting that I make the deposit.
Good afternoon, Continuing with my complaint made on June 27, 2024, July 1, 4, and 5, 2024, today on July 9, 2024, Ms. Luna Reyes (staff from Go4rex company) contacted me again. It turns out that my account did not go into auction as she had previously informed me. She has extended the deadline to Monday, July 15, 2024, to accept their offer to deposit $1,000 USD or otherwise I will lose the total of my account. I told her that I have read their clauses and have the right to close my operations whenever I require and to be able to withdraw my funds. I want to close the open operations (2) and withdraw my profits or at least my investment of $1,500 USD. I am no longer interested in any potential profits. She tells me that it is not possible because the stock market does not allow it and that I have to cover the exchange cost. I explained that even after closing the operation made with NVDA of $8,179.90 USD less exchange cost of $8,007.04 USD, I would have a profit of $172.50 USD. The other open operation with EUR/USD is $30.31 USD less exchange cost of -$47.38; I assume the loss of this operation and close it immediately (figure 7). I questioned why I cannot close the operation with NVDA and why she is conditioning me to have to deposit more money. She responds that I am not one to dictate how the stock market operates and reiterates that I have until that date to make the deposit. One way or another they want to keep my investment; hopefully you can help me recover it. Regards, Thank you.
They keep insisting me to deposit.
Good afternoon, I continue with my complaints filed on June 27, 2024, July 1, and July 4, 2024. Today, July 5, 2024, Ms. Luna Reyes (a staff member of the company Go4rex) contacted me, telling me not to miss the offer to deposit $1,000 to avoid losing my benefits. She extended the deadline for me to do so until Monday, July 8, 2024. I asked her if she was aware of the entire process of my account, and she said not completely. I asked for a minute to briefly explain everything I have been through (exposure on June 27, 2024). Her response was that Ms. Sophia Romano no longer works for them. I mentioned that it seemed strange to me because I was informed that she was sick, then on vacation and still sick, and today she no longer works for them, which is very convenient for the company. Ms. Luna Reyes continued to insist on making the deposit and not missing the opportunity. I told her that continuing to deposit and lose money is not an opportunity for me. I also mentioned the case of a complaint filed on July 2 on this platform (Fx3626528458 18:47). She responded very firmly that I already knew that by investing, I could win or lose all my capital. I replied that I want to withdraw my capital, which appears as a net worth of $2,553.57 dollars, or at least my investment of $1,500 dollars. She replied that it is not possible and that I should take the offer and make the deposit. She reiterated that I have until Monday to do so, otherwise I will lose my capital, and then she hung up the call. Now my account is no longer up for auction, and I am going to lose my investment. Can you help me recover at least my investment? Regards, Thank you.
They keep asking me for money.
Good afternoon. Following up on my complaints made on June 27 and July 1, 2024, I am providing further information. Today, July 4, 2024, Ms. Alice Acosta (I believe that's her name) or someone from the Audit department of Go4rex called me again, asking if I will make a deposit of $1,500 to avoid losing my benefits, which amount to more than $16,553.84. She reiterates that if I don't do it within 72 hours, my account will be put up for auction. I ask for a moment to access the application and log into my account. Upon entering my account, I see that the profits she mentioned are no longer the same as before; now there is a lower amount (figures: 3, 4, and 5). Net worth: $2,955.95, balance: $1,450.08, and 2 contributions that generated profits: NVDA: $8,179.90, EUR/USD: $30.39, MINUS exchange costs (I don't know what this is): NVDA: $8,007.04, EUR/USD: $47.38, for a total profit of $4,561.90 USD (less than what she mentioned). When I communicate this to her, she asks me to give her a minute (it was more than 5). I think she was not informed about this, and when she resumes the call, she tells me that she has an offer for me and that by depositing only $1,000, I would receive my benefits. I comment that they should deduct it from the total profits obtained, and she replies again that it's not possible, that I have to deposit it, and that she is already making me an offer. I respond that it is possible, and as an example, I closed two out of the four operations I had open from the beginning. In one of them, I had a profit of $70, and in the other, a loss of $40, and upon closing them, they were reflected in the account balance. I tell her that I no longer want to be stressed and have problems; I want them to return my investment of $1,500.00 and part of the net worth (although I don't think it's fair because they made profits with my investment). She replies that it's not possible as long as the operations are still open. I respond that for me, this is already fraud, and in one way or another, they want to steal all the capital from my account. She replies that I knew from the beginning that I had to cover a margin level of 738% (which is a lie because they never informed me about that) and that I have a maximum of 72 hours to make the deposit; otherwise, my account will be put up for auction. She hangs up the call and doesn't give me a chance to ask about that margin level. At the end of the call, I tried to withdraw the amount shown as net contribution (figure 6), and I see that it is a lower amount, $2,555.32, but it doesn't give me the option. The box where the word "WITHDRAWAL" is located is blank, and when I click on it, I receive the following message: "Dear Roberto Torres Marmolejos, at the moment, your withdrawal request cannot be processed due to insufficient trading volume." My second last name is misspelled; it should be just Marmolejo. I hope you can help me recover at least my investment. I am at your service. Regards, Thank you.
Good day, complementing my complaint exposed on June 27, 2024, I share the following: on June 28, 2024 I received a call from the Audit Department of the Company Go4rex, asking me to access my account to check the benefits that have been generated, Annex Figure 1: Net worth $ 6,864.45 dl, Balance $ 1,468.41 dl, and 3 contributions that generated benefits for: NVDA $8,179.90 dl, EUR/USD $ 20.52 dl, EUR/USD $ 20.52 dl, for a total of $ 16,553.84 dollars, conditioning me that in order to obtain the total of my benefits I have to make a deposit of $ 1,500.00 dollars more to which I no longer agreed, and they tell me that if I do not make that deposit my account would enter into auction.Today, July 1, 2024, the same lady (I do not remember her name), from the same audit area, calls me again asking me what I had thought about making a deposit of 1,500. 00 dollars to which I answer that I am not going to do it, that in any case they should deduct it from my total benefits and she answers me that it cannot be done this way and conditions me to have to make the deposit or my account goes to auction, for which I repeat again that they should remove it from my benefits and she answers me with an annoyed and haughty voice that if I have not understood or that if I am an IDIOT that does not understand, and she tells me that it is my decision and hangs up the phone. After the call I went to my account to check it and I realize that they are already making moves to close it or leave it at zero (figure 2).can you help me and also to punish this lady for defamation and insults.I remain at your service.Greetings Thanks
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