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The highly anticipated Jay Chou Carnival World Tour Returns to Malaysia in October 2024!

The highly anticipated Jay Chou Carnival World Tour Returns to Malaysia in October 2024!

The highly anticipated Jay Chou Carnival World Tour Returns to Malaysia in October 2024!

Activity 2024-05-10 12:47
FPG Fortune Prime BDM Marius is excited to visit Dubai

FPG Fortune Prime BDM Marius is excited to visit Dubai

Marius is excited to visit Dubai!

News 2024-05-10 09:59
FPG Fortune Prime Global Alerts Public Regarding Illicit Clone Website

FPG Fortune Prime Global Alerts Public Regarding Illicit Clone Website

FPG Fortune Prime Global (FPG), an Australian-based regulated provider of CFDs and forex trading services, has issued a public advisory concerning the unauthorised replication of its platform by a fraudulent clone website.

News 2024-05-10 09:56
Fortune Prime Global (FPG) has successfully become a founding member and gold sponsor of the Australian Home Business Alliance (AHBA)

Fortune Prime Global (FPG) has successfully become a founding member and gold sponsor of the Australian Home Business Alliance (AHBA)

FPG not only solidified its position as a local enterprise but also strengthened its cooperative relationships with other well-known businesses such as Melbourne Today,

News 2024-05-10 09:53
Economic News Today

Economic News Today

Market Review | May 10, 2024

Review 2024-05-10 09:23
DBG Markets Demonstrates Excellence: Showcasing Global Influence at the BrokersView Dubai Exhibition

DBG Markets Demonstrates Excellence: Showcasing Global Influence at the BrokersView Dubai Exhibition

DBG Markets was specially invited to exhibit, showcasing its substantial expertise and innovative capabilities in global financial services.

News 2024-05-09 18:12
CWG Commodity Futures Delivery Time

CWG Commodity Futures Delivery Time

CWG Commodity Futures Delivery Time

News 2024-05-09 17:50
Market attention to differences in monetary policy trends between European and American central banks  The US dollar rose on Wednesday, while gold prices consolidated horizontally

Market attention to differences in monetary policy trends between European and American central banks The US dollar rose on Wednesday, while gold prices consolidated horizontally

On Wednesday (May 8th), the US dollar index fluctuated around 105.5 and ultimately closed up 0.13% at 105.51.

Review 2024-05-09 16:48
KCM Trade全球扩张步伐加速,亚美尼亚办事处盛大开业

KCM Trade全球扩张步伐加速,亚美尼亚办事处盛大开业

KCM Trade全球扩张步伐加速,亚美尼亚办事处盛大开业

News 2024-05-09 15:27
Today's Economic Spotlight

Today's Economic Spotlight

Market Review | May 9, 2024

Review 2024-05-09 09:24
Fed officials' hawkish speeches stimulated the rise of the US dollar on Tuesday  Gold slightly declined, following speeches from Fed officials

Fed officials' hawkish speeches stimulated the rise of the US dollar on Tuesday Gold slightly declined, following speeches from Fed officials

On Tuesday (May 7th), the US dollar index steadily rose, dropping to an intraday low of 105.04 before the US market.

Review 2024-05-08 14:19
Hawkish Fed’s Comment Strengthen the Dollar

Hawkish Fed’s Comment Strengthen the Dollar

the U.S. Dollar Index (DXY) has experienced a resurgence, presently holding above the 105 mark. This strength is supported by a hawkish tone from Federal Reserve officials.

News 2024-05-08 14:05
Financial Updates

Financial Updates

Market Review | May 8, 2024

Review 2024-05-08 11:06
Today's Market Spotlight

Today's Market Spotlight

Market Review | May 8 , 2024

Review 2024-05-08 10:57
Today's Market Pulse

Today's Market Pulse

Market Review | May 8, 2024

Review 2024-05-08 09:15
The US dollar rebounded slightly on Monday The situation in the Middle East is becoming tense, and the morale of gold bulls is rebounding

The US dollar rebounded slightly on Monday The situation in the Middle East is becoming tense, and the morale of gold bulls is rebounding

On Monday (May 6th), the US dollar index briefly fell below the 105 mark, but later regained all lost ground and turned higher

Review 2024-05-07 15:04
Step Up Your Trading Game with PU Prime's Live Trading Contest – The Great Race!

Step Up Your Trading Game with PU Prime's Live Trading Contest – The Great Race!

Are you eager to transition from the sidelines to the forefront of live trading? Look no further! PU Prime introduces its highly anticipated Live Trading Contest – The Great Race, offering high stakes, fierce competition, and substantial rewards.

News 2024-05-07 14:32
Yen Drop on Japan FX Officials Comment

Yen Drop on Japan FX Officials Comment

The U.S. equity market continued its upward trajectory, buoyed by growing optimism surrounding potential interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve later this year, following the release of softer-than-expected nonfarm payroll data last Friday, indicating a slowdown in economic performance.

News 2024-05-07 13:26
Today's Spotlight

Today's Spotlight

Market Review | May 7, 2024

Review 2024-05-07 08:51
Soft NFP Spurs Stock Market

Soft NFP Spurs Stock Market

Last Friday saw a notable weakening in the dollar, with the dollar index (DXY) declining to its monthly low following the underwhelming U.S. Non-Farm Payroll (NFP) report, which significantly missed market expectations.

News 2024-05-06 13:35
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