A WikiFX, como uma plataforma independente de serviços de informação de terceiros, é dedicada a fornecer aos usuários serviços abrangentes e objetivos de informações regulatórias sobre corretoras. A WikiFX não participa diretamente de atividades de negociação forex, nem oferece qualquer forma de recomendações de canais de negociação ou aconselhamento de investimento. As classificações e avaliações das corretoras pela WikiFX são baseadas em informações objetivas disponíveis publicamente e levam em conta as diferenças nas políticas regulatórias de vários países e regiões. As classificações e avaliações de corretoras são os principais produtos da WikiFX, e rejeitamos firmemente quaisquer práticas comerciais que possam comprometer sua objetividade e justiça. Recebemos com prazer a supervisão e sugestões de usuários de todo o mundo. Linha Direta de Reclamações: report@wikifx.com
Uma mensagem de um investidor.
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A message from an investor.
I'm an investor based in Malaysia. Invested over a year ago. Introducer in Malaysia, C, who has invested a high sum of money herself while parading herself as a broker when approaching me, cannot do anything now that Vex has been revealed as a fraudulent broker. Introducer was approached by JFX, a group of people involved in forex trading, JFX leader is based in Vietnam although there are members in other countries. Vextrader offered an update around Aug-Sept 2022 they were facing liquidity issues. Their so called liquidity provider, libertymarkets.com, is just a fake front. The website has closed down and the advertised personnel on the website, Talha Dean & Reem Simon, are either non existent or fake names (e.g. I have checked with Mercury Capital Advisors, which is a company this Reem Simon person claims to have worked with, and they have confirmed Reem Simon did not work with them). Alleged partnerships on libertymarkets website nonexistent (I checked with etoro). Alleged licenses not available in Canada MSB database any longer. Vextrader sister sites, vexventures.com, vextrader.net have been closed down. Chat/Emails abandoned. Person or people behind vex trader have tried to divert accountability/attention to fake personalities they advertised on vexventures.com before closing the website down. To Vextrader reading this, if you are not a scam, please prove it by returning our funds. Your silence is complicity.
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