Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App

Universal Futures

Entry Time 2021-07-22

Time Machine

2022 years 3 Month
Time2022 years 3 Month


Pyramid scheme complaint

No data

Universal Futures · Company Summary

General Information

It has been verified that PT Universal Futures ( is a suspicious clone. The licensed company it impersonates is a brokerage firm ( in Indonesia and a member broker of PT Bursa Berjangka Jakarta (JFX). The company currently focuses on Southeast Asia, providing retail and corporate clients with trading services for commodity futures products traded directly on the stock exchange.

Official Website Unavailable

As of now, the website of Universal Futures (Clone) is not available. We can't even find any information about the broker online.

What are clone brokers?

As it turns out, clone brokers are on the rise these days, with fraudulent companies setting up shop by using names of reputable companies to trick clients into thinking that theyre trading with a regulated Forex firm. They even use the license number of regulated brokers to fool traders into opening accounts with them! And identity theft is a typical fraudulent method for “cloned companies”: the fraudster uses information about an actual authorized company, such as company registration number (CRN), address, email, etc., to gain credibility and even legitimacy in order to convince and solicit investors.

Final Warning

The website is not available and there is no contact information. We assume that the trader Universal Futures (Clone) might be closed or run away. In addition, we find that the real PT Universal Futures has issued a similar alert on its official website, i.e. warning investors to beware of scams that misuse their information. Many of these scams are conducted online and spread on various social media, such as websites, telegrams, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp groups, etc. Please be aware of the risk!


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