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Conditions de trading imbattables chez FxPro : Spreads serrés et faibles barrières à l'entrée
1-2 ans
Articles originaux
Unbeatable Trading Conditions at FxPro: Tight Spreads and Low Barriers
I read somewhere on the official website of FxPro - Unbeatable Trading Conditions! Well, after exploring more about the trading conditions one would get if signed up to trade with this broker, I think this statement might be true! While FxPro offers an account type available with only a $100 deposit, the Standard account type, for this review I will use the Pro account type, which is the one I trade with. It comes at a bargain price with only a $500 deposit requirement. Aside from spreads, there are no additional charges in terms of trading commissions for opening and closing positions. Moreover, the spreads are quite tight, especially for the major forex pairs where the spreads rarely reach 1 pip. Also, I like the FxPro wallet, a convenient tool for managing funds between your accounts.
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Expérience de trading experte : Professionnalisme inégalé confirmé
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Effet de levier flexible pour des stratégies de trading diversifiées chez FxPro
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