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مراجعة Fxcess: شروط تداول تنافسية مع تركيز على MT4 ، مكافآت مجزية وتنفيذ سريع
1-2 سنة
Fxcess Review: Competitive Trading Conditions with MT4 Focus, Lucrative Bonuses & Swift Execution
Fxcess has created truly appealing and competitive trading conditions. You can put this broker on your shortlist if your favourite trading software is MT4. Aside from this limitation, the rest of their offerings regarding the trading conditions are tempting. Let me start with the bonuses. They provide a welcoming trading environment and as a new client, you can use up to a 100% bonus on your deposit. As for the account types they have chosen a simple approach. You can choose between the Classic account which offers tight spreads and zero trading fees, or you can go for the ECN account which brings even more narrower spreads, but there is a commission they charge for that. I am quite satisfied with the execution. The platform is fast and stable, too.
المنشور السابق
موافقة المتداولين ذوي الخبرة: تصميم المنصة البديهي يسهل التداول الموضعي
عمولة ECN العالية: 4.5 دولار لكل لوت في الدورة الكاملة للمتداولين السريعين
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