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USDC Investment Limitedعدم سحب المبلغ المتبقي في حساب المنصة الخاص بي
1-2 سنة
USDC Investment Limited Not withdrawing the balance amount in my platform account
On september 11, 2023, I downloaded this app named as Smartrade5 ( This app has been suggested by one person (Ms. Simran Kaur) and the platform company name is USDC Investment Limited which is a forex trading platform. I do a demo trade on it on 11th sept and on the same day I make my account in the same platform. Then Ms. Simran Kaur suggested me to contact online USDC customer service in telegram ( to review my name verification process and to recharge my account. She said that customer service will send me a card number, and then i should transfer the money with IMPS and this online customer service will help in converting rupees into US dollars and rechrge the amount into my platform account. I recharged my account by 10000 rs (125 usd) and did 1 trade and make a profit of 12$ and withdrawed it. Then she asked me to increase my principal, seeing the withdrawal and profit i increased my principal by 50000 rs more. Then i withdrawed 100$. Till this time everything was going fine. Then Ms. simran kaur again asked me to increase the principal in lakhs to make some good profit. She forced me to take personal loan and i fall on her trap and took a personal loan of 10 lakhs and invested my money in USDC Investment limited platform. After that i make some profit but I didn’t withdraw it. On september 26, i initiated a withdrawal process of 600$. But the online customer service told me that mine withdrawal application is rejected because there were transaction changes in my account during the withdrawal application period. I tried again with a withdrawal process of 1756$ but this time online customer service came with a new reason to reject my withdrawal application. This time he said, due to RBI’s regulations, this withdrawal requires payment of 30% profit tax before the withdrawal can be completed. At that time my profit was 11,851 usd and the online customer service was asking me 3,555 usd in advance to pay him. This doesn’t make any sense to me because while withdrawing the money the platform can deduct the tax and withdraw the remaining amount. But still the online customer service is asking me to pay the tax in advance to the platform. Now i cant do with the amount which is there in the platform account balance. Link of platform website is ( its my request to the higher authorities to provide me a solution of how to get my platform account balance in my bank account. I am hopeless now. Is paying the tax amount in advance is legal or not. Please help and support. I am now financially unstable as i have to repay my personal loan also and i don't have money to pay my EMI’s.Please help me.
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