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Do not try to trade with them , Why because if you lose you are more than welcome, but if you win more than few hundred dollars your account will be Blocked and won't get your profit. The same thing happened with me, I did register with them, I started with $30000, I managed to make a profit a bit over $80000, after that I request a withdraw of $40000. After my withdraw request they asked me to "provide a high-resolution photo of myself (selfie) holding your ID document with a current date, Cang ltd and your signature on a sheet of paper." Of course I did that and they approved it, The following day I found my account Blocked, and i never received the approved withdrawal, after I contacted them They refuse to unlocked my account and pay my profit and did not explain anything to me application form to Assetsclaimback aid . And now I'm informing all of you to not get scam from Cang ltd, i refuse to lose my money to them i seek aid.
المنشور السابق
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غير قادر على الانسحاب. من الصعب جدا الانسحاب. موقف خدمة العملاء ضعيف واختفى لاحقًا
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