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3-5 سنة
This Fraudster Scammed me.
I am quite new to Forex trading on VPMarkets and very enthusiastic about it. I was playing with a demo account provided by a broker in Hong Kong. Somebody who had a real account with the same broker introduced me to it and was showing me how to use it. Thanks to their trading instructions, in few days I made $142K. That sounded awesome and of course too good to be true. So, I opened other demo accounts with different brokers without telling them, to compare results and see how real was the pricing behavior that gave me the $142K profit. These spikes in the bottom image happened at the same time I was instructed to whether buy or sell and it seems that was what gave me these crazy profits. So I believe they were manipulating their server and the pricing. Therefore, I am 99.99999% sure the broker in Hong Kong is a scam. How prevalent is this situation in the industry? These spikes in the bottom image happened at the same time I was instructed to whether buy or sell and it seems that was what gave me these crazy profits. So I believe they were manipulating their server and the pricing. Therefore, I am 99.99999% sure the broker in Hong Kong is a scam. How prevalent is this situation in the industry?
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