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لا يمكن سحب الأموال من VP-Markets
3-5 سنة
Can't withdraw money from VP-Markets
I got in contact with a person named Gina thru social media and then got in contact with a specialist trader called Peter.Peter did guide me how to insert money from my Swedish account into Binance and then transfer it VP-Markets.When I first told Peter that I did wanna withdraw to see how secure this thing was it wasn't a problem.And he told me to just withdraw $150 due to the fees during every withdraw.Now Peter dosn't want me to withdraw money and even want me to insert more money into the website.I tried to withdraw higher amount than before at 3 diffrent times.....They all got rejected.....I'm afraid that I have been scammed but I still see the money on the website ( and in the app MetaTrader4I would appreciate it if someone can look into this and solve this matter. Thank you.
المنشور السابق
احتيال ولا يمكن الانسحاب
unable to withdraw
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